Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

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Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Pibroch »

This may have happened in the original BG, but I can't remember. When using the pocketwatch, noon is 12 AM. So time goes, 11 AM-12 AM-1 PM, which isn't right. At midnight the time reads as 12 AM, which is correct. Just a little cosmetic bug.

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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Khumash-Gor »

Would the game engine have a way of knowing which 12 is AM or PM?
-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by wjp »

This happened in the original too. It's a usecode bug that was fixed in SI.
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Shamino96 »

I dont think anyone should apply am or pm to a 12 o'clock situation, rather refer to them at noon or midnight. Mabie the game does/should/or could say the formal titles.

Since I dont know of anyway to remember noon as a AM or PM , more like neither of the two.

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Pibroch »

The pocketwatch always seems to know. :-)


Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Pibroch »

I had an inkling it did. Thanks for clearing that up.


Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Pibroch »

Nah, it's easier to remember midnight = 12 AM, noon = 12 PM than to have it displayed ingame. Just commit that to memory.

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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by artaxerxes »

or hack usecode.

That's what I've done for si-french. Time is now displayed in normal 24h clock, just like the normal day is. A day is _not_ 2 times 12 hours. It is one time 24 hours. Think about it.

Anyways, si-french ( sports that change and it is less confusing. For ppl who want to know, I can give out what changes to make to usecode and possibly making a patch for you can get 24h too.

Thanks to wjp and Colourless for helping me finding what changes to make in usecode to make it possible.


Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by suraimu »

Actually, a day isn't 24 hours either. It's 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. And that's only if you're going by the definition of how long it takes the Earth to rotate fully once. If you're going by how much actual "day" there is each time, then that changes radically over the course of the year.
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Colourless »

Quit being pedantic.

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by suraimu »

BUT IT'S FUN!!! :)
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Colourless »

It's not very flattering.
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Darke »

My general response has been that if you want to be pedantic, then learn to program. You'll really start to appreciate the vagaricies of 'DWIM'
human languages and conception after you've gotten your 20th compile
error in a row. *grin*

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by suraimu »

if (incorrect statement) then
end if

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Morg »

if (incorrect statement)
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by SB-X »

if [ "$statement" = incorrect ] ; then
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Darke »

Usecode class -1 (FFFF SMARTASS)
Func_80 (Event 1) SMARTASS::use():
0080: 5A init 00
0082: 0B push 0000h
0085: 40 push dword [BP+06h]
0087: 4C push indirect 02h bytes
0089: 77 set info
008A: 78 process exclude
008B: 59 push pid
008C: 0D push string "remark "
0097: 6B str to ptr
0098: 40 push dword [BP+06h]
009A: 0F calli 08h 0049h (process Item::bark(char* str))
009E: 65 free string [SP+04h]
00A0: 6E add sp -08h
00A2: 5E push retval
00A3: 54 implies 01 01
00A6: 12 pop temp
00A7: 53 suspend
00A8: 50 ret
00A9: 7A end

(Why wait for an incorrect statment to make a smartass remark? *grin*)
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Colourless »

Usecode class -2 (FFFE DARKE)
Func_80 (Event 0) DARKE::look():
0080: 5A init 00
0082: 0B push 0001h
0085: 40 push dword [BP+06h]
0087: 4C push indirect 02h bytes
0089: 77 set info
008A: 78 process exclude
008B: 59 push pid
008C: 0D push dword [BP+06h]
008D: 57 spawn 00 02 FFFF:0080 (SMARTASS::use())
0094: 5E push retval
0095: 54 implies 01 01
0098: 12 pop temp
0099: 53 suspend
009A: 50 ret
009B: 7A end

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by morg »

okkk enough of making us simpletons look bad

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by suraimu »

This kind of joke fits in with this crowd:

Christmas is the same as Halloween, because OCT 31 = DEC 25.

Pan Sola

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Pan Sola »

It's actually not hard to figure out which 12 O'Clock is am and which is PM.

Simple Fact 1: During the day, PM (in general) implies afternoon.
Simple Fact 2: noon is 12:00 during the day.
Simple Fact 3: 12:30 during the day is after 12:00 during the day.

SF 2 and 3 imply 12:30 during the day is afternoon.
SF 1 and above imply 12:30 during the day is 12:30 PM.

Trick (ie, the only thing you might have to memorize): the AM/PM designation does not change within the hour.

Conclusion: noon = 12:00PM
And by process of elimination, midnight = 12:00AM.

This doesn't really qualify as a rigorous proof, but works well enough as an easy rationalization/confirmation. (-:
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by Colourless »

AM = Anti Meridian = Before noon
PM = Post Meridian = After noon

Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by suraimu »

IM = Intra Meridian = Exactly noon
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Re: Little bug relating to the pocketwatch

Post by artaxerxes »

00h00: midnight
00h01-11h59: morning
12h00: noon
12h01-23h59: afternoon

The process could be refined to:

00h00: midnight
00h01-05h59: dawn
06h00-11h59: morning
12h00: noon
12h01-18h00: afternoon
18h01-23h59: night

we could also rehash to add afternight, evening and dusk but that's totally subjective. :)
