online game

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online game

Post by punknad »

Check this site!

I am a fan of ultima 7 and I 'm making a cross-platform 2d game engine.
You can downloads small demos of an rpg and a platform game.
My purpose is to make an online version of the game...
I have already done a client/server version for local network and I hope to be able to make real online one in a few months...

Congratulations for your work on exult, I have replayed u7 and this is so great!

I am waiting for your reply on it, and advices...
About the web site too!

See you


Re: online game

Post by punknad »

don't hesitate to test the demos and tell me what can be improved...


Re: online game

Post by Skutarth »

Try to make an english version. (it seems as though you can speak english rather well)

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

ok I'll do one!

Re: online game

Post by Skutarth »

Cool, I checked the screens out and they look fine.
One problem though, I looked at your inventory screen and the dialog on one of them. They resemble Ultima greatly, but they should be a tad less realistic. Try to make them like you have the items drawn. Don't worry about paperdolls for now...

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

thank you for your advices...

If I have really understood, you are talking about digitalized pictures
which don't fit whith traditionals drawn items?
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Re: online game

Post by SB-X »

Unless you and Artaxerxes merge projects and use his digitized character graphics too. :)
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Re: online game

Post by artaxerxes »


I actually used a picture of a Kernel Developer and I resized and reoriented it! Very amateurish method but since then I've been using ShapeMaker.


Re: online game

Post by punknad »

yes because you are a lazy man like me ;-)

I have asked a friend of mine who have a webcam to be the model ;-)

Is there any U7 like graphists here?
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Re: online game

Post by artaxerxes »

punknad wrote:
> yes because you are a lazy man like me ;-)

gotta be a french thing! :-)

btw, I don't think graphics should be identical in style to U7. If the scanned picture looks good, well, USE it!


Re: online game

Post by punknad »

he he you're right it's the famous french laziness ;-)

I am doing change in my code now for moving object in the inventory.
It is quite difficult because of online characteristic of my game:
objects beeing moved have to be hidden for the other user...

It works but I don't like the way I have coded it...
I want something easier...

Good night

Re: online game

Post by Cheshire »

Ok, I'm curious. I've started playing around with Sphere ( )to write a Wasteland-a-like and was finding decent image editing/creating software hard to find.

On the old Amiga days I'd fire up Deluxe Paint. It was perfect for this kind of work, as it had decent pixel control with easy to edit palettes.

What do people here use to do graphics?

Also was wondering what ShapeMaker is/does. A quick Google seemed to suggest it's a plugin to Quark or something to help make artificial limbs :-)


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Re: online game

Post by Colourless »

For palettized images, DPaint was perfect, and as far as I know, nothing has come close to it since. Even well into the 90's games (such as Quake) were still developed with DPaint (PC version not the Amiga version). Once true colour started to be used with 3d Acceleration Photoshop began to be used more and more. Photoshop however is not suited at all to palettized image editing.
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Re: online game

Post by wjp »

DeluxePaint works quite well in dosbox, btw.

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

I use paint shop pro and it works fine.
Just zoom a little to draw pixel by pixel...

I have made bitmap of my game like this (

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

easier like this:

You can see that bitmap are really "deluxe paint" looking ;-)
256 colors is no more used and it's a good thing!!!

U7 was using 256 colors and has to change palette a lot and with some old graphics cards like trident, changing too much palette causes some artefact...
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Re: online game

Post by nadir »

Because with slow video cards you should change palette only during vertical refresh. If you use INT10 it does it for you, but if you write directly into the VGA registers it flickers.
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Re: online game

Post by artaxerxes »

ShapeMaker is a tool I am developing. It has nothing to do with Quark.
Basically, it is an exulstudio shape (or item) maker. You add points on a 2d surface (6 surfaces offered for the 6 views) and it automatically create the appropriate pseudo-3d shape used by Exult. The algorithm is actually simple, so you could just make shapes without it.

The prog is not finished yet and I have not release it anywhere, so there is no point using Google yet. But promised, when it's useable enough, I'll release it.


Re: online game

Post by punknad »

exact nadir!

Does someone know about graphists able to do U7 like bitmaps?

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

I have found why SDL was so slow on my pc :
I have used instead the SDL_ANYFORMAT tag to create my surface and now there are no more conversions to do between formats ;-)

How do you make change of format without restarting the game with SDL?
In Exult you can switch to full screen or to any format you want while playing...

Will the exult teams do a SDL_OPENGL port of exult engine?
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Re: online game

Post by nadir »

Exult 1.1 already has a SDL_OPENGL port
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Re: online game

Post by wjp »

It's very experimental, though.
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Re: online game

Post by drcode »

...and it sometimes completely crashes my Linux machine, something that no other program ever does:-)

But when it works, it's really fast, since most of the graphics are stored in the video card's texture memory. And I think it would be fun to add more realistic lighting. It >should< be relatively easy.

If you want to see how Exult changes screen formats, look at the code in the 'imagewin' directory. I think we just allocate a new surface in the new format and then free the old one.

Re: online game

Post by punknad »

thank you doc code!

I'll look in the imagewin directory...
Where is the code for your opengl stuff?
I'll try it too...

Yes realistic lighting would be fun!!!
With more realistic explosion of black powder too YES!