ogg music for serpent isle?

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ogg music for serpent isle?

Post by Jared »

Quick question: will there be a music pack for SI?

Re: ogg music for serpent isle?

Post by Jared »

Yeah. You do't even need to reply.
Grimlock Dragon
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: ogg music for serpent isle?

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Careful. No self loathing is aloud here :0P At least you didn't ask a question like, "Is there a F.A.Q.?" That could have ment instant death. :0)

Re: ogg music for serpent isle?

Post by Morg »

Whats this F.A.Q. you speak of i have never heard of a F.A.Q. is it some kind of small furry mammal. Does it taste good with ketchup :).

Re: ogg music for serpent isle?

Post by dag »


"F.A.Q."? What is this?
I can't locate the "Serpent Isle" on my globe as well!
And by the way: what is this "Exult" everybody here is talking about?