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Post by Lithos »

I really need help.
How do I put off pathfinding?
Its REALLY hard for me to walk this way :(
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by wjp »

Can you be more specific about why it's hard to walk?
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by nadir »

You can't turn off pathfinding as it's a fundamental part of how U7 works. I guess that you're having problems with companions standing in your way ?
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by drcode »

They're supposed to get out of your way. Isn't that working?
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by Lithos »

Well I just don't like the fact that if I right click at a spot and click again accidently then they move to that spot.
Well I'll just have to get use to it I guess.
I would have screamed "Murder!" if you could not of put it off in Ultima Online :)
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by Dominus »

that's how it always worked in SI and we made it the same for BG...
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Re: Pathfinding

Post by artaxerxes »

plus there is an option in the game that say: "double right finds path".

Just turn that off (or maybe it's just in the .exult.cfg file).
