[OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

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[OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Trevor_Clim »

Hi guys :)
(i hope this sort of Offtopic is allowed)

I was wondering where you guys are from! So i want to make a world map with dots, etc. to visualize the internationality of the fascination of ultima 7 :D :D :D
(ok kinda strange ;) )

so lets start it :D

Iam from GERMANY ! :)

(thats the cause, why my english is kinda weird and lots of mistakes :D )
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Darke »

Third planet of the star you call 'Alpha Centauri'.

(I just say I'm an innocent, Earth born rabbit. It makes life easier. And no,
I don't want to be taken to your leaders, I'm afraid stupidity is contageous.
Thanks for your consideration, and all that.)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Trevor_Clim »

ok, Darke is from AUSTRIA ^_____^
only for statistic ;D
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by wjp »

Darke's from Australia, not Austria :-)

I'm from the Netherlands.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dominus »

I'm from Germany but live in Austria.
.au is Australia and .at is Austria.
Austria is in Europe and Hitler was born there.
Australia is in ... Australia and they fought Hitler (AFAIK)
The thing they have in common: certain people from a certain continet can't tell them apart, even if you say "Austria/Europe"
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Andrea B Previtera

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Andrea B Previtera »

Italy there. I am from Roma and I've been living there for twenty-three years. Then, thow years spent in Verona, which brings me to... today : )

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by flashingcurser<DAN> »

NW Montana-----USA :)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by artaxerxes »

I live in Canada but was born and raised in France.

Achile Dragon

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Achile Dragon »

I'm from Québec Canada


Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Morg »

Seatle Washington, USA
Pan Sola

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Pan Sola »

I'm from Taiwan, but currently live in Berkeley, California (USA)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Trevor_Clim »

oh didnt know that with .AU and .AT ;)
sorry ^^

i know this old WHERE ARE YOU FROM thread, but it's nearly one year old and i think it's interesting how many people are still there in the forum, etc TODAY
so i hope you dont mind ;)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by RazorBlade »

It's not yet a full year old, also I guess not much has changed.

I still live in and am from germany btw. ;-)

Oh, by thinking of recent changes, I really miss the mandatory weekly U7online thread, the repeating 'do this for U8' isn't really the same.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by drcode »

Portland, Oregon. Originally from Los Angeles.

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by dag »

hmm, i guess we've had this topic before [look at SB-X's link above]

maybe we should make this thread sticky...

born in odense, denmark, lived a short time in madrid, spain.
have a norwegian father and a german morther.
now living in hamburg, germany. so i'm quite european...

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Skutarth »

I've lived my whole 13 years of life in Texas, USA.

Darke: How can you live on the third planet of Alpha Centauri? Alpha Centauri is a binary star system, meaning that no planet can orbit it because of the gravity changing the trajectory of the planet and hurdle it into space or into itself. Even then, there are, most likely, not any planets orbiting Alpha Centauri. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Warlock »

I'm from Italy.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Talroth »

"Darke: How can you live on the third planet of Alpha Centauri? Alpha Centauri is a binary star system, meaning that no planet can orbit it because of the gravity changing the trajectory of the planet and hurdle it into space or into itself. Even then, there are, most likely, not any planets orbiting Alpha Centauri. Correct me if I'm wrong."

It could happen, and isn't that unlikely really, you just would have to expect very odd seasons, and rotational changes,.... (Think you get sick on some fair ride, try living on a planet that keeps changing direction,...)

Off Topic threads are always good for boards, they let people play, and you never know what comes out of them. (Knew a guy that developed a plot line for his "NYT bestseller",... I think I threw my copy out after the tenth page,... and I was just skimming)

*Never said what comes of them is good now*

Also, very odd, I posted here the other day, yet it isn't here,...

oh well, I'm from eastren Canada,... I had a fair rant there before, but I forget it, but it was funny,... I think.
Some guy sitting infront of a crapy computer and needs a new one,...

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Gerry »


Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Gunnar »

Raxo Dragon

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Raxo Dragon »

Italy here
Automaton Dragon

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Automaton Dragon »

SoFla, as they say. (South Florida, USA)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by cheshire »

Western Australia
(the Biiig island in the Souther Hemisphere, not the country in Europe, and yes, Australians did fight Hitler)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by MV »

I'm from Brisbane, QLD, Australia, but as for where I'm at right now.....

.....I'm in the next shire north of Brisbane, in a room surrounded by computers and their clutter, music playing and typing this message. A casual glance at the clock puts me at 9:43PM, the seventh day of the 5th month in the year 2003. :)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Colourless »

Be warned MV, you live dangerously close to Darke.

I personally hail from the city known as Adelaide in South Australia.

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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Darke »

*sinistercackle* I now live further from MV then I used to, but more conveniently located to harassing random humans. *grin*

(Hey, I currently do Tech Support to furnish my hutch and keep me in
carrots, "harassing random humans" is in my job description! *grin*)
Dino (can't log in)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

Cool, nice to see some Italians.

I'm from Malta, south of Italy. Anyone know it exists? It doesn't even show on the world map! :D
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dominus »

Well, I think I know enough people who went to Malta on a so called "language trip" to have a very good party (it helps of course that these are mostly women :-))
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by dag »


i've been in malta a few months ago for holidays and enjoyed it very much.
but it was colder than i guessed (it was january ;))
i hoped to improve my english but it is still not that good :(

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by MV »

So where exactly are you Darke?

I'm at Petrie if that means anything to you. :)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Darke »

Colourless: MV's relatively safe. He's a long way away from me. *grin*

MV: Brisbane. Literally. 4000/4001 area code. *grin*

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by MV »

But on the worldwide scale we have here, you're just up the street. ;)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Colourless »

MV, last time I knew, Darke didn't actually know exactly where he lived. :-)

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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Darke »

Well... Yeah. Had to reference my resume to find out the street number for
my apartment block. I don't exactly *need* it on a daily basis do I? I
walk everywhere. *grin*
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by drcode »

I just heard Adelaide as a question on a quiz show: "The only city in Australia named for a woman."

Also heard of Malta, but not since it was British. It must be a nice place, since it's never in the news:-)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by E_Jim »

Santiago, Chile
Dino (can't log in)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dino (can't log in) »

>>It [Malta] must be a nice place, since it's never in the news:-)

It may be what you define a nice place... it's got fine weather for 300 days a year and temperatures rise above 40 degrees celsius in summer... it's just TOO hot. :)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by gruck »

Northern New Brunswick, Canada

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Matthew »

Woking, near London UK, and it's pouring with rain.

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Hacki »

I am from Austria.

>>Austria is in Europe and Hitler was born there.

Yes, and everyone thinks he was born in Germany. But that's OK, we trade him for Beethoven, who everyone thinks was from Austria. Bad luck for you Germans :p
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dominus »

yeah, every morning I see all those people walking to obscure houses beethoven is supposed to have lived in. Who cares for such places anyway ?
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Covenant »

I am from Granada, Spain.

Many people from "that country you were taling about" think that Spain is just south of Mexico... Well indeed we're just next to France in old Europe.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by drcode »

Wait a second... My country isn't known for knowledge of history or geography, and I used to hate those subjects; but are there really people who don't know Spain is in Europe, or that Hitler was from Austria?
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dominus »

I don't know about the spain stuff but that Hitler was an Austrian or that Austria is NOT the same as Australia (that one I experienced myself at least twice) is really something some people don't seem to know.
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Trevor_Clim »

hey i really know that AUSTRIA IS NOT THE SAME AS AUSTRALIA, i only didnt know the INTERNET-ENDINGS

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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by drcode »

Austria/Australia mixup? I can imagine a tourist in Austria asking where he can see kangroos:-)

Now, what I can't get used to is seeing stories or shows in which Australia is referred to as "Oz".
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Colourless »

But DrCode, Australia IS Oz :-)

Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Hacki »

>>Austria/Australia mixup? I can imagine a tourist in Austria asking where he can see kangroos:-)

Believe it or not, but lame T-Shirts that read "There are no kangaroos in Austria" are in fact being sold here :/

I agree that .at and .au are easy to confuse. However, I thought since we share the same language with Germany, Germans would stumble across lots of .at (and .ch, which is Switzerland) sites in the Internet and thus recognize the ending. It seems I was wrong :)
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Re: [OT]Where are you from? (visit everyone, please!)

Post by Dominus »

Some examples:
- recently I looked for something on ebay.com and asked the seller if he would ship to Austria. He replied that shipping to Australia would cost $ X.xx. I then asked something else and (not to emberass him) wrote that I live not in Australia but in Austria/Europe. Somehow he didn't seem to get that even in the next reply :-)

- When I was in the US over a year ago with my gf and her kid, an elderly woman asked where we came from and I answered Austria. She was then confused and said she thought that we spoke English over there. When I replied we come from Austria Europe she didn't want to talk to me anymore :-)

Hacki, I have to confess before I looked up the university of Vienna for place to study I didn't come across much (if not none) .at sites. I rarely stumble upon .ch sites as well.
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