About sitting down the party...

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Achile Dragon

About sitting down the party...

Post by Achile Dragon »

I don't know if this was discuted before but when i try to made sit my party on the magic carpet and the squeleton boat (to skara brae) there is always one or two persons who don't sit. It take me three or four time before the whole party sit

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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by drcode »

It's a well-known bug in Exult.
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Warlock »

It's not a bug of Exult. This is a bug of the original game. When I was playing the original game I found it worse. I needed to move the party before to let them all sit down. Now it is enough to click 3 or 4 times on different seats.

Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by gruck »

its true, in the original trying to put 8 characters in a wagon was basically impossible.
Achile Dragon

Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Achile Dragon »

Yes It should be a feature to sit correctly on whatever trasportation who need it

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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Dominus »

So I'd say it is not a bug in Exult but a faithfull reproduction of the original.
Seriously I guess that this just shows that the sitting down part of the party must be pretty hard to do correctly.
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by drcode »

I guess I never had the problem in the original because I usually took only 2-3 party members. Feeding more was too much of a pain.
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Trevor_Clim »

hmm, ok it might sounds crazy... ;)

i would really DISLIKE removing this "bug" !!
this is ultima and i want to remember the old bugs and problems the developers had to prog these path-finding routines in these days...

please make an option where i can ENABLE all original bugs! :)
(ok of course not the ones, which destroy savegames, etc. ;) )
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Trevor_Clim »

have i mentioned that iam an ULTRA NOSTALGIC GUY? ;)
sorry for double-post^^
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by drcode »

Don't worry:-)

I've looked into this a couple times. It's the Usecode function (the script) that assigns each NPC to a seat, and then it's up to the engine (Exult or the original) to walk them there. I think the bug is that they sometimes block each other on the way.
Achile Dragon

Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Achile Dragon »

Yes that right. :) Stupid AI

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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Darke »

Ultra Nostalgic Guy? Oh, my sympathies. I'm sure we'll find a cure for that someday.

("Only YOU can help those who believe that annoying bugs that people would gripe loudly about in today's game engines should be faithfully reproduced because of 'nostalga'! Donate today!" *grin*)
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Trevor_Clim »

i want this friggin bug staying ingame :D :D :D


i dont want bugs in modern games, but with ultima, this is something different ;)

so in ultima 9 i hate the bugs ^^
in ultima 7 (sitting bug) i love ^^
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Clock Nova

Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Clock Nova »

Strange, I never encountered this problem in the original, even with as little as three party members. I can't reproduce it in the original now, either. In Exult, on the other hand, I can't get my third party member to sit with the other two. He doesn't appear blocked, he just won't move.

And this idea of retaining annoying bugs just because they were in the original is just plain silly. Hey, I remember this bug that caused the game to crash, then set my computer on fire. Let's be sure to keep that one in 'cause I want to relive those moments of barbecued metal and plastic that I remember so fondly. Sheesh!
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Trevor_Clim »

like i said before:

but my opinion is that these technic-limit-"bugs" are a part of the game.
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by E_Jim »

I guess the whole point of making a new, updated engine for a game is to make it better than before. If I wished to play the exact same old experience, with all of its annoying bugs, I'd just dig up my old 386 from its grave, reinstall DOS 6.22 and the original U7, and that's it. But with exult, I'm looking forward to an enhanced U7 experience.
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Re: About sitting down the party...

Post by Trevor_Clim »

i generally agree with your opinion, E_Jim!
But what about people who have no old PC and want to remember the old ultima they played?
i DONT say: Let the bugs in the game!
I say: Make it to an option, whether the player wants these "bugs" or not. ( i can live with a .config option, too )

So with such an option you can make everyone happy: the ones who want a new experience in Ultima 7 and the ones who are nostalgic and want only their ultima 7, nothing more!

Bringing new features in, like Exult did, is really a cool thing, i love it :)
but i still want to play my ORIGINAL ultima sometimes ;)
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