Something new will be coming....

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Grimlock Dragon
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Something new will be coming....

Post by Grimlock Dragon »

Hello All,

Many of you know that I've been ever so slightly trying to find out some things about the cut plot of Serpent Isle. Let's just say that what I have found is not graphical, and not complete, but still highly informative about certain aspects. I should be posting it in a few days when I get it all together. Just a teaser for something to look forward to.

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Re: Something new will be coming....

Post by wjp »

I hate teasers ;-)

Looking forward to it, though :-)

Re: Something new will be coming....

Post by Elden »

Post it soon - we can't wait
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Re: Something new will be coming....

Post by wjp »

Uh? :-)
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Re: Something new will be coming....

Post by artaxerxes »

it's a perfect example for the expression: "missing the boat"!;-)

ps: the dude already posted the special Serpent Isle original plot post.