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Clock Nova


Post by Clock Nova »

I know you have probably got your hands full, but I was wondering if you would be willing to compile an OSX version of Expack for me. I haven't the ability to do so.

What I ultimately want is to be able to compile sound packs for BG and SI from the collection of .wav files that someone created be taking sounds from UO and U9, but I need Expack to do it. Alternatively, if you already have these packs compiled, you could save us both time and send me those.

If you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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Re: Fingolfin...

Post by Dominus »

Someone else has them already created and put up somewhere but I totally forgot the link to them. It's not a big time saver to send them as they are about 12-14 MB big once the packs are created :-(
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Clock Nova

Re: Fingolfin...

Post by Clock Nova »

Well, I still need them. Since I'm on cable, though, 12 to 14 mb is not that bad, as long as the sender is on the same. Either way, I just want to be able to use these sounds. Any help?
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Re: Fingolfin...

Post by fingolfin »

Just FYI: I am almost never reading the forum. If you want something from me, email me :)

I suggest you get the pre-made sound packs, indeed. If you still need expack, send me an email request for it, and as soon as I have some time (weekend I hope...) I'll try to send it to you.