A few bugs...

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Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

A few bugs...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

I am using the recent snapshot that fixed the duplicating items bug under windows 98. The issues I have run into in BG are:

1. The serious bug... I have overwritten the save games so even if I knew where to send them... But the issue occures when you are on the magic carpet, it doesn't matter if you have landed or not, as long as you are still standing on it. If you then encounter a wisp and use the black demon swords 'Death' power on the wisp, the game will crash. This happened to me several times and only when on the magic carpet.

2. The annoying bug... The dungeon located immediately SE of Skara Brae has a problem on its south entrance. If you enter from there, you can travel only a short way into it and then you suddenly find yourself outside the south exit again?!?

3. Odd bug... It has been forever since I played any of these games, but I do remember that on most of them travelling far enough over the map edge put you on the opposite side. I vaguely remember that this might not be the case in U7, but if you hit the limit of the map, 3/4 of the magic carpet will continue to travel south, while whoever is on the front end (usually the Avatar) will stay behind. This is inconvenient, since you can't even land the bloody thing someplace and if you lose track of where the front end is.... lol

4. Misc. bug... Are you planning to come up with a better means to determine what object should be hidden when the screen is drawn? This may be some issue with my horrid and malfunctioning graphics card, but it is a bit odd seeing weapons sticking up through roofs or trees poking throuhg the bottom of the magic carpet while flying over them. I don't remember this oddity in the original.

Otherwise the game plays very nicely with this engine. Very nice engine. :)

Re: A few bugs...

Post by DirtyHairy »

Adressing No.2: I'm not sure, but I thought there was one dungeon in the originial as well where you got teleportrd to the outside again after some feet. Are you sure you could enter this one in the original from this direction?

Re: A few bugs...

Post by MV »

#2: It's supposed to be like that. There is a teleport egg there, and I am sure the original had that as well. You had to find an entrance up the top if you wanted to explore further. Or use mark/recall.

Re: A few bugs...

Post by Crowley »

#1 Would seem to be caused the same bug that sometimes causes the bow of the ship to stay behind if you travel over the edge of the map, especially when sailing diagonally.
Kagehi Kossori
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: A few bugs...

Post by Kagehi Kossori »

Ah.. Ok. Didn't remember that odd quirk in the first time I played it. Some strange things in this game, but the house on Ambrosia you can never get into and a few of the chests you can't seem to open at all bugged me from the first time I played. Guess this is just on of those quirks that they threw in for no apparent reason. lol

Hmm. I just remembered. I also had a crash when trying to use a bed roll on the streets in Britannia, but that was when I have the sound effects files configured wrong (not to mention not actually installed..). The black sword glitch happens even if these are correctly installed though.

BTW. What does Exult use the wavelist file for? It seems to be a bit dumb to have both the Black Gate and Serpent Isle sound effect files rely on working using two files with the same name, but completely different contents. Wouldn't this mean that due to where these files are placed, that you can only play one or the other, but not both without reinstalling the correct wavelist file? This seems a bit silly to me, especially if you then try to install something someone else creates later using the engine and find yourseld dealing with the same problem for a third game. They really should go in subdirectories for each game under the main Data directory. Or is this already possible and I just misread something?
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Re: A few bugs...

Post by Dominus »

the file list is just an extra in the zip and not being used by exult.
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