Tidbit about CLAW...

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Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

Hi! *wibbles* I posted this a while ago on Hacki's board and someone suggested I post it here. Well, I finally got around to doing it...and here it is!

I really, really hope this hasn't been posted yet, and if it has, I apologize profusely! I don't aim to take credit for something someone else found ^^;. I did check the boards, etc., found nothing, so here goes anyway...

(this is somewhat verbatim from my original post)

Load SI with the cheat mode activated and teleport to 0x947,0x0A8 (from what I've gathered, no teleport in SI Exult yet? I used U79x for this, so...).

Ooh, a telescope in the mountains! It's not very convincing because you can see the black void surrounding the mountains if you walk around. Disregard that for the time being (nobody ever said SI was a big-budget game) and peek into the telescope. Whatever it points to seems to be arbitrary- I've seen the nude sunbather near Moonshade, a drawbridge in Furnace and some lovely *fountains and trees in Monitor* (HINT)...
Go down the stairs behind the telescope and you'll end up in what looks like an abandoned classroom or office. The light sources are all spent and it's empty, but there is a Magic 8-ball on the desk to play around with. Whee.
Going down another floor reveals what looks like some sort of dungeon (perhaps this is where Fedabiblio keeps Andrio and Freli when they start acting up during lectures?). The winch by the stairs doesn't seem to work.
There's another down staircase. This leads to an empty hallway with cat head statues on the walls. I think I know now, where this complex was supposed to be, and continuing down the hallway confirms it- the stairway leads to an empty place in the middle of the mountains on CLAW (coords 0x5EA,0x828,0).

I guess this telescope area was part of the original plot?

On an aside note, if the help is wanted, I wouldn't mind creating some paperdoll art for BG, such as for new clothing items, children's sizes (poor Spark), whatnot. As a Kisekae artist, I live for this sort of thing :).
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Dominus »

got to try that out... soon :-)

As for the art: making paperdoll items and the actual paperdoll for spark would take more than some and I'm actually not sure if or how all that could be integrated in Exult (probably not a big-brainer as we *do* have some custom art already and are using it).
But apart from that huge task of providing spark stuff, we still have some not-yet-drawn-paperdoll-art-for-BG list if you are interested.
Let me look for it....
I'll copy/paste it here and hope the formatting keeps:

custom art for Exult BG paperdolls


Name shape Artist

Jaana 490 Oblivious
Sentri 462 Philip Gottschalk
Julia 454 Philip
Katrina 452 Philip
Tseramed 460 Philip
Spark 489 Philip

Non-partymember NPCs?


Name shape/frame Artist Notes

Silver sextant 650/0 - (hanging from belt)
Gold sextant 650/1 - (hanging from belt)
Leather Collar 582 -
Gorget 586 Adam Delman
Magic gorget 843 Adam
Ankh Amulet 955/0 Oblivious
Heart Amulet 955/2 Adam
FoV amulets 955/7-10 Willem Jan
Grey cloak 285/0 Oblivious
Green cloak 285/1 Oblivious
Brown (fur?) cloak 285/2 Adam
Green top 249/0 sbx
Brown/orange dress 249/1 sbx
Blue dress 249/2 sbx
Dark-brown hood 444/0 -
Light-brown hood 444/1 -
Caddellite helmet 638/0 Willem Jan
Greaves 353 Oblivious
Brown pants 738/0,1 -
Green pants 738/2,4 -
Brownish pants 738/3,5 -
Shoes 585 -
Spiked Shield 578 Oblivious
Magic boomerang 550 Willem Jan
Fire sword 551 Oblivious
Hawk 555 -
Great dagger 561 Willem Jan
Star bursts 565 -
Main gauche 591 - (left & right hand)
Cleaver 614 Adam
Knives 615 -
Custom sword 635 - (using Dragon Slayer)
Hoe of destruction 548 Tristan
Firedoom staff 553 Adam
Death Scythe 562 -
Fellowship staff 885 Willem Jan
Tripple crossbow 647 -
Musket 278 -
Musket ammo 581 -

When there is a name in the artist column, then someone already did some work on it all the - means that there is no custom art for it yet.
Shape/frame make the item easy to find with Exult Studio.
We do have a plug-in for both The Gimp and Photoshop (Paint-Shop-Pro compatible) to view and save art in the U7 art format (*.shp) but PNG files are good as well.
So if you are really interested (and we would really appreciate that :-)) and need some help getting set up with our tools, just ask here or hop on to #exult on irc and look for "wjp", me, or anyone else that might be able to help you.
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Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

.PNGs are just fine, but I am interested in the plug-in. :)

I have just a few quick questions I'll ask here (I don't have IRC *le sigh*).

First one about the palette- if you are using a specific palette that I need to use or if I could just use the one I ripped from a palette file in the game. I guess it's all the same palette, but I want to make sure.

The second one, I don't really know how to word. I guess what I mean is how would you like the artwork set up in terms of picture size? Like, if all of the items need to be of a certain canvas size or whatnot.

Lastly, is there a specific background color?

Also, I'm assuming that the doll templates are the same male and female from SI...

Making dolls for every NPC in SI and BG would be daunting, but so rewarding, eh?

Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by DreamMaster »

With regards to the issue of teleporting, you can use the F3 key to teleport anywhere on the map, but it will only let you select the destination using cross-hairs on a diagram of the world map, rather than letting you enter the co-ordinates you want directly. Of course, you can then always use F2 to find out what location you are then in, and thus "home in" on a specific co-ordinate you want.

The F2 menu also has a teleport option, but it says it's not implemented. I'm not sure why really, since I presume it could fairly easily hook into code already implemented for the F3 teleport.
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by nadir »

I really recommend using the GIMP and our GIMP plugin, as it is more featureful (hotspot, layers->frames)
Achile Dragon

Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Achile Dragon »

Where is that telescope BTW
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by drcode »

The palette file you got from the game should be fine. I think the background color is #255 (but someone, please correct me if I'm wrong).

What is a "Kisekae artist"?
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Dominus »

the plug-ins can be found on our downloadpage. The gimp is a powerful freeware graphicsprogram and can be found at
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Armchair Avatar
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Armchair Avatar »

Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

I have the Gimp and find it rather useful! Just wasn't really aware there was a plug-in for Ultima shapes (and silly me, seems it was there the whole time). I've started preliminary work on a few things- I'm going to try and make a few clothing items such as whatever pants and shoes are left (something I know how to draw) and try a few other things, if all goes well.

I also have the Exult tools such as ipack, expack, etc. If I need to put these to use as well, let me know.

The coordinates I listed first should take you right to the telescope. In terms of geography (for F3 teleport I guess), hmmm...the telescope is in the void black area at the top of the map, amidst all of those other various tunnels and things that are up there. I think it's closer to the right side? I should take some screenshots.
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Dominus »

hey cool (about your doing some work on art). If you want to take a look at the art done by the others download our source (download page) and take a look at the *.shp files in /data/bg.

I'm now going to take a look at that telescope...
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Dominus »

Claw is just strange. the skeleton key, those cats, the stairs to the dream realm, those nuke-kegs (make perfect weapons in Exult, equip one and you will throw endless explosions)...
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Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Daemongar »

It's due north of the northernmost point of the frozen area is how I would descrbe it. A red telescope on top of a mountain cordoned off.

One thing is weird tho - I didn't see 1 naked woman in the area near Freedom, I saw one who then turned into 4 when I looked in the telescope... strange...
Natreg Dragon

Re: Tidbit about CLAW...

Post by Natreg Dragon »

I found that telescope once a looong time ago, and I didn´t have any luck finding it again (I began to think it was just in the normal version, not the one with the silver seed). Thanks for the information