Forging swords

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Forging swords

Post by Darkmoon »

I read a while ago that forging swords was a feature in Ultima 7 but due to a bug you couldn't do it in the game.
Will forging be enabled in exult? I think it would be really cool if you could forge your own weapons.
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Re: Forging swords

Post by Dominus »

I'm not so sure if it was due to a bug or more like not implemented. The only weapon you can forge is the Blacksword...
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Re: Forging swords

Post by wjp »

This was unimplemented in the original. It should be possible to implement in exult once our usecode editing capabilities mature a bit, but it won't be easy.
Soul Harvester

Re: Forging swords

Post by Soul Harvester »

There were a lot of features that could have been easily implemented and in fact WERE planned (such as harvesting crops, sewing clothes, etc) but weren't put out with the final release. This is why some things are VERY complete (able to make cakes, cookies, and bread from basic ingredients, flower and water, making dough, baking, etc) and then others have all the pieces (blacksmithing, with the hammer, the tongs, the the sword blanks & bars/metal, trough, bellows & fire pit, anvil, then tailoring has the scissors, cloth, bulk cloth, different materials, etc) but you can't make em. NPC's somewhat mirror this, in the fact that an NPC blacksmith will place a sword blank, get it hot, then pound it with a hammer, but you won't actually be able to make any weapons from it.
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Re: Forging swords

Post by XxVenomxX »

Interestingly, in the original U7 (I say that, because I dont think it works in Exult) if you went to a blacksmith, Zorn in particular, and took the heated blanks off of the anvil while he was hammering, he would walk back to the forge and put down a new blank. If you keep taking his blanks, eventually he will put down a black sword blank, and if you take that, more will follow. I think I still have some pictures of that somewhere...
Oh yeah, here they are, in this directory:

Just an interesting item, since the topic was brought up :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Forging swords

Post by sprodfish »

how do you make anything different from bread starting with flour?

Re: Forging swords

Post by Oblivious »

Roll it up and then let Willy place it in the stove. Other than that, nothing, to my knowledge. They probably intended for you to be able to make things out of the wooden boards and logs, too, since there's a saw in the game and a woodmill. The honey and empty jars might have had a purpose, too (not the honey you find in the Bee Cave, the orange jars.)
Torgus Dragon

Re: Forging swords

Post by Torgus Dragon »

i don't remember but how extensive is the ability to mine? can you mine gold or only old? and do you have to use a pick axe? or those machines?...uhh and wine would be interesting if they added theses...but i bet they will not. it would make it more like uo....blah im out peace
Torgus Dragon

Re: Forging swords

Post by Torgus Dragon »


Re: Forging swords

Post by Stephan »

Oh, by the way...

More like UO = a Bad Thing (tm).

Re: Forging swords

Post by Oblivious »

Who said anything about wanting it more like UO? We just wanna give the Avatar more fun tasks and junk to do.
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Re: Forging swords

Post by XxVenomxX »

Torgus Dragon did:
"it would be interesting if they added theses...but i bet they will not. it would make it more like uo....blah im out peace"

Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro

Re: Forging swords

Post by Kurt »

you can't make wine in UO, or mine gold (thankfully). you can mine gold coloured ore, but it's not gold. You have to tame dragons and sit around shouting 'all kill' for a few hours to 'mine' gold.

There's a lot of features that seem incomplete in U7, really... I'd like to see some things implemented, even though they're not really necessary. I mean, what's the point in forging your own swords when it's dead easy to get a good magic weapon anyway, and doing the forge of virtue quest gets you the best weapon without too much difficulty (much like the U8 slayer, except you get stat bonuses too). It'd be fun to make a sword in U7, but is ultimately useless :(
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Re: Forging swords

Post by XxVenomxX »

Aren't games about fun though? Sitting in chairs in U7 is useless, except for the fact that it adds to realism, and more realism makes the game a bit more fun! Same for such things as forging weapons! I'd personally enjoy defeating enemies with weapons created by my own hand :) Different strokes for different folks. While I know I've presented myself as a 'purist', I think some additions such as this could add some more atmosphere. Just my 2 cents. Or, gold, as it were. :P
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: Forging swords

Post by artaxerxes »

Or even better: forging your own magic weapons!

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Re: Forging swords

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yeah, forge a weapon, and be able to enchant it. :)
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
Kim Alaba Paler

Re: Forging swords

Post by Kim Alaba Paler »

You noticed it too venom? I discovered it when I took away the anvil, Zorn just keep putting blanks in the pit and fired it, the third blank turned into a two handed one. I wonder what sword would it become.
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Re: Forging swords

Post by Gotcha! »

Venom's post was made 17 years ago. Just a heads up.
Jeez, I was a young lad back then. :(
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Re: Forging swords

Post by monotremata »

Oh my god I don't even think I knew that Exult even existed yet! I was playing them in hyperspeed with the old Ultima Collection CD still hahaha. I think I barely found out about MAME around then.
Morbius Dragon
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Re: Forging swords

Post by Gotcha! »

I think 1.2 was the first Exult version I used.
Before that time I furiously held on to several old computers just to play older games. I had a 286 and a 486DX aside from my Pentium-something. And a switchbox between my screen, mouse and keyboard and 3 pc's so I didn't need three of everything.
Good times.

Thanks to DOSBox, Exult and other old game reviving projects I could finally say goodbye to my collection of hardware. Made it a lot easier to walk through my room! :)