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Post by Shopro »

Hi, this is my first post here,

Is it possible to do a translation for U7 in a language such as Japanese through Exult? Or are such features(System fonts, etc) not available yet in Exult?

Just wondering:)

Thanks for the great software, dev team

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

We'll have to improve our font support first. Currently we really only support english characters, and with a bit of a hack also accented characters.

For Japanese we should probably look into supporting UTF-8 or something like that, although I'm not quite sure yet on how that would/should work exactly.

Re: Translations

Post by Shopro »

Thanks for the quick reply.

ah, I see.

I guess, having the engine display text in the default system fault font would do the trick. I would try to do this myself if I knew C...

If in any time, this is implemented, I'd give translating to Japanese a go:)


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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

The default system font is something that is very platform-specific, I'm afraid.
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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

What we could do is allow use of specific TT or Type1 font files. We could use the Pongo package, along with Freetype, to display UTF8 text. The two problems would be:

1. It wouldn't look as good as the custom 2-color bitmaps that are used in U7.
2. Adding Pongo would make Exult somewhat bigger, so we might want to make it an optional part of the configuration.
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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

Er, make that "Pango".

Re: Translations

Post by Shopro »

wip, DrCode:
I see the problems concerning the support of these languages...

How many people out there would be willing to do a translation in their 2-byte font language:)?

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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

Wouldn't it be funny if some of the Origin execs. suddenly noticed that U7 had been translated into, say, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic?

Re: Translations

Post by Shopro »

Actually, every Ultima but U7 has been properly translated into Japanese.

There is a SFC(SNES) Japanese version of U7, but since the story is quite a bit different, it can't just be copy/pasted to make a translation for Exult.

I will use it as a base if I am to do the translation, though.

What other languages has u7 been translated into?

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Re: Translations

Post by Dominus »
Apart from these official Versions, Artaxerxes and his team finished a french translation of SI.
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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

I wonder how many people would be interested in U7 in their native language?

Re: Translations

Post by Shopro »

Dominus: Ah, I see. thanks.
hmm, not many asian languages I guess.

Thanks for your interest:)
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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

No, really, I'm curious as to how many people might be willing to buy Ultima7 if it were translated into their language. I've got this funny notion of approaching Origin to see if we could, perhaps, get a license to sell copies, so that the people who do the translation (which is a huge amount of work), and maybe we developers:-), could make some money from the effort.

Re: Translations

Post by Shopro »

lol, wow, yeah, that'd be great if Origin accepted:)
Lots of incentive to get the translation done!

In Japan, there is a "Ultima Complete" package( which contains all the main Ultimas from 1 to 9. To my disappointment every game *but* U7 was in Japanese.

I found that very unprofessional of EA Games, and felt the whole "package" was just another easy scheme to make money:( Does EA really lack the resources to translate the game?

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Re: Translations

Post by fliptw »

EA probably lacked the source for U7.
WishStone Dragon (not logged)

Re: Translations

Post by WishStone Dragon (not logged) »

...and if their translations would have been ANYTHING like the "Translation server" they use for UO, you wouldn't have understood a word what was going on anyhow :P

If you need a translator for german, I'd be willing to help, but I could only offer the text translation, I nither run a german U7 (due to said lacks in "localization") nor am I a Programming whizz.
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Re: Translations

Post by nadir »

There is a SDL_ttf package which we could use which has all sorts of neat functions for showing TrueType text, including UTF-8 support.
I believe there is an avatar.ttf font lying around: we could have two methods for displaying text: shape-based (as it is now) and ttf-based (with custom fonts).
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

additionnally, I shouldn't reveal it so early, but I'm making a web based tool to translate u7. I've designed it so that any language doable with ultima are supportable (like putting the accentuated letters or more into the first frames of the alphabet shape).

A quick peak can be seen at: Warning only view it with Mozilla (full or firebird). Do not view it with IE! You've been warned. ... _edit.html

it is obviously not finished but I'm getting there I've finished designing the database and I'm currently coding the php and a few other things around.

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

I'd like to get rid of that silly requirement to put accented characters in unused frames at the start. I can personally see no reason why they couldn't just be somewhere after 0x80 like in iso8859-1.
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

because of a limitation for # of frames per shapes (I believe).

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

That's a limitation we should get rid of then :-)

I'll take a closer look when I get home later today.

Re: Translations

Post by Emperor »

Translating Ultima 7 into different languages is a great thing to do. I've read somewhere on this forum that a Usecode implementation is possible in Exult. Would that make a Russian translation possible? Is anyone working on it?
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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

Emperor: yes, somebody is working on a russian translation. Search the forum for 'russian' for more details.

Artaxerxes: speaking of russian, I seem to remember getting rid of that 128 character limitation for the russian symbols a while back.
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

yeah I remember that too. Wouldn't you want to make it after 1.2 though?

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

Make what after 1.2?
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

the ability to support # frames > 128 per shapes.

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

As I said earlier, I'm fairly sure that (at least for font shapes) that limitation has been removed already (april 2003).
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

in this case, there won't be a need to put accentuated letters in unused part of the shape.

I'll try it in a minute and I'll let you know.

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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

Nadir: I'll have to take a look at SDL_ttf. I've worked with Freetype2, and it's not the easiest thing to deal with. Pango is also a challenge, but it does everything, including complete formatting of the text.
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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

SDL_ttf is fairly easy. Basically you just do:

TTF_Font* font = TTF_OpenFont(ttffile, pointsize);
SDL_Color black = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
SDL_Surface* text = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, "Some text", black);


SDL_Surface* text = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, "Some utf8 text",black);

and then blit the text surface somewhere. For use in exult we'd probably have to add a border to the text manually, but that's easy to do.
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Re: Translations

Post by drcode »

Heh, that's sure a lot easier than Freetype. I had to read through tons of docs just to figure out how to render a 'glyph' in the right spot.

Re: Translations

Post by Sevaton »

To Emperor:Actually Quester working on it...He need's help ...
You can find him on :


Re: Translations

Post by Emperor »

2Sevaton: Thanks
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

You can see a screenshot of what the page looks so far at the following:

I still have to code the saving of any changes and the automatic highlight of certain english words for consistency.


Re: Translations

Post by Parcival »

Great job your doing, Artaxerxes. The day you finish this tool, ill start translating U7 into dutch : ). Dont know if many people would be interested (an english forum would probably the wrong place to ask), but itd be fun anyway,

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Re: Translations

Post by wjp »

Artaxerxes: did you get around to testing if the 128-char limit is indeed gone?
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Re: Translations

Post by artaxerxes »

nah.. backlog from work. gotta finish a massive project by the end of the month. :-(
