How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

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How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Tribun »

Since every piece of armour contributes or detracts from the warmth-rating of a party member, I tried to find out how high the number has to be to not get cold. However, I didn't find the threshold. Does anyone know how much of a minimum warmth rating one needs to have for the snow regions?
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Gotcha! »

I have no idea, and I wonder if this system is broken or was never truly implemented?
I know nothing else than that you need to have a fur hat/helm of light/fur boots/cloak to stay warm, even though every piece of clothing seems to have a warmth rating.

I think you can even walk around naked, with only a fur hat, fur boots and a cloak, and you still don't get cold.
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Gotcha! »

I did a quick test and I was very wrong. It does have effect. Silly me.
I'm going to try to find the threshold as well.
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Gotcha! »

Okay, you'll need at least 175 to stay warm. 170 is too cold.
Fur boots, fur cloak, and hat give a whopping 200, thus you can walk around 'naked'.

Wearing only a leather armour (20), fur cloak (70) and leather boots (85) gives a total of 175 and is enough to keep warm.
I swapped the leather armour (20) with a viking helm (15), changing the total to 170, and I started freezing.

Well, this was a learning experience. I will never wear those silly fur hats ever again!
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by SirJohn »

Very useful to know!

Thanks Tribun for bringing this up and thanks Gotcha for taking the effort and letting us know

Much appreciated!

Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Tribun »

I asked because that answers some questions.

Since footwear is all the same in terms of armor, ditching the swamp boots after Gorlab to wear fur boots gives 95 warmth.

Any fur cloak (you should use snow leopard, but the wolf cloak also counts) gives 70 warmth.

This already 165 warmth.

Wearing a magic armour (which you should have enough of at this point) gives 5 warmth.

That makes 170 warmth.

Magic Laggings give 5 warmth and you can buy them form Pothos.

Thus you have 175 warmth by now.

That means you now have the choice of head gear, the fur cap is not needed (thank God!), since no helmets decrease warmth. Magic Helm is best in terms of armor and gives +5 warmth. (Helm of light has same armor but +10 warmth).

The only things that decrease warmth are unenchanted metal armor pieces (chest, leggings, gauntlets).
Knight Captain
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Knight Captain »

There's only one magic armor "legally" in SI. There is another one and a bunch in cheat rooms.
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by kensuprime »

It would be interesting to compare this to the warmth levels in Martian Dreams. Any nuvie guys here?
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by LordKane773 »

planning on doing a nitpickers patch for Serpent Isle?
Knight Captain
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Re: How much of a warmth-level is needed in SI?

Post by Knight Captain »

Oh yes, I've been occasionally hacking away on one for a while. Scope creep got me.