Richard Garriott u7 interview?

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Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Macaw »

Can someone please tell me if there is a interview with RG about u7? I've never read anything about his thoughts of the game.
Trevor_Clim (damn Log in)

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Trevor_Clim (damn Log in) »

he mentioned u7 in many interviews.
in many interviews his opinion was, that u7 offered best playability at best graphics with a complete world

sometimes he said u4 is his favourite...

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Macaw »

any links to such interviews? also, are there any interviews where he just talks about u7 (probably much older interviews) links to these will be much appreciated.
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Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Daemongar »

Well, there are a couple books (used) available from Ebay and Amazon, that have a lot of interviews with LB/RG on U7 and all the ultimas. The one I own is the "The Complete Ultima" or something - I'd have to fish it out.

Either way, the most extensive info is probably in the Ultima books.
Jonathan Morris

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Jonathan Morris »

There was a HUGE interview in one of the section of the book "Ultima: The Avatar Adventures". He gave alot of in-depth info about why he did the story certain ways and how he built the game with the intent on keeping the Ultima world as real and interactive as it could be. I see this book on Ebay all the may be worth checking.

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Adamantyr »

Yes, "The Avatar Adventures" and "Ultima 9: Ascension Strategy Guide" both have the same article with Garriot's in-depth viewpoint on Ultima 7. The U9 guide also has additional commentary on Ultima 9.


Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by MV »

The U9 guide also has additional commentary on Ultima 9.
The only thing I can think of anyone saying about that would probably go like this:

[southpark jimmy]
EA are CONTS... C.. CCC.. CONT... C... C..C.... CONTSant source of dissapointment.
[/southpark jimmy]

So in short, EA are a bunch of CONTS. :D

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Sutek »

There was some video interviews with him on the UC CD

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Oblivious »

The video interviews of him are difficult to watch. He's one of those guys who is much more palatable in written form than auditory form. He's like one of those store clerks who yammers on and on and on and on and on...

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Macaw »

Perhaps, but I cant beleive he still wears the ultima necklaces and all that still, it would seem he is still close to ultima.. If only he still had the rights to it.

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Oblivious »

The Ultima necklace was something his mother made for him when he was 11 (long before he made the first Ultima) It was the basis of the serpent amulet in U6 and SI, and the silver serpent insignia on the curved heather.
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Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by drcode »

How do you know all this?

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by MV »

DrCode, what Oblivious said is common knowledge to an ultima fan. ;) :D
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Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by drcode »

I just feel a bit humbled:-) The one fact I remember is that RG came up with the name Shamino in his D&D days after looking down at the "Shimano" gearshift on his bicycle.

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by MV »

Heh, yea. Coming up with names in DnD can be fun. :)

I remember the first time I was playing pools of radiance, (yea long long time ago now), and I really was stuck on the name for my very last party character who was a female mage, so while I was thinking and looking around, I was looking at the menu words at the bottom of the screen and came up with Exitita from exit. :)
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Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by SB-X »

I considered myself an Ultima fan and didn't know either of those things. Well I'm more of a Ultima-the-game-series fan anyway and not Origin, and never cared to look up anything about the developers (seen a few interviews). Thanks for the information...

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by MV »

I considered myself an Ultima fan and didn't know either of those things. Well I'm more of a Ultima-the-game-series fan anyway and not Origin, and never cared to look up anything about the developers (seen a few interviews). Thanks for the information...
Don't worry, I was just ribbing DrCode a little there. :)

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Oblivious »

Wow, I knew that Shamino was RG's D&D character, but I didn't know that was how he came up with the name.

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Macaw »

just a question to the exult developers, when did Richard Garriott send that letter saying he likes what your doing with exult? That must be the height of exults success knowing that even he has used it.
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Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by drcode »

August, 2001.
Erik Areschoug

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Erik Areschoug »

This topic is old now but, i just need to say that im such a huge fan of Richard Garriott, and it was sometime in -96 when i was playing Pagan,my older brother mentioned a guy called Lord British, then recently i looked him up to see this cool, medieval, goatee, blonde guy!
I saw myself in the future! Ha!
Alun Bestor

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Alun Bestor »

If we're comparing cluelessness about Ultima trivia, how about this: I only found out that Shamino was Garriott's alter ego about 3 days ago. Went in-game, looked at character portrait, clapped hand to forehead.
Chris Schumacher

Re: Richard Garriott u7 interview?

Post by Chris Schumacher »

He was on Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous once. The interview was funny
because it sounded like he was quoting The Official Book of Ultima.