Exult and Gimp

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Exult and Gimp

Post by Scythifuge »


I recently reinstalled everything after a format, and I cannot seem to get E.S. and the Gimp working together anymore. I vaguely remember having a similar issue when I first started messing with this stuff, but I couldn't find the old message about it.

When I try to edit a shape within E.S., I get the following message:

Can't launch 'gimp-remote -n'

This is driving me nuts. Any help getting this to work properly will be greatly appreciated. I've been organizing all my U7-style graphics, and have been drawing all kinds of stuff (a lot of 8x8 tiles!), and I have been drawing all kinds of things that come to mind. Some stuff is just for practice, but could be used for mods and TC's, such as pizzas and cookie sheets, etc.

Also, I think that I'm going to go back to a previous version of The Gimp. I really hate how in the new version, I cannot select and move a region with ease anymore. It seems that we're supposed to use shift+drag, but it doesn't work for me about 90% of the time! With the previous version, I could rectangle-select and just move stuff around, or move certain sections (for changing small parts for animations). I work with "canvases" that have all kinds of shapes on them, usually 1000x1000 pixels. Now things take much longer, with myself and others out there having to copy+cut+paste to "move" things around. It sucks!
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Re: Exult and Gimp

Post by Scythifuge »

Never mind, I figured it out! Luckily, I saved EVERYTHING, including the Exult root directory, prior to the last format. Thus I was able to look at the old exult.cfg and see that I had to add "C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-win-remote -n"...

I also went back to the previous version of The Gimp, and it feels great to be able to select and drag with ease again!
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Re: Exult and Gimp

Post by drcode »

Glad you got it working. You should also be able to set the path to gimp form a dialog box in ES ("properties" or "setting", I think).
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Exult and Gimp

Post by Scythifuge »

Thanks DrCode! Its under preferences. I thought about that earlier, but wasn't sure if it was a path setting, or a registry setting, because it had been so long. I'll probably remember that the next time, in another year or two when I format again. Either way, I'll continue to back up everything. Too many hours have been put into it!

I know that I've mentioned it before, but one of these days I'll have to post some graphics. I have three main ideas that I'm working on, only because the more I draw different things, the more I learn, which helps the S.E.T.C. (the main project!). I've got a bunch of sci-fi-type stuff drawn as well. Somethings from the screenshots have been or are planned to be redrawn, especially the bamboo walls.