bug in SI, also in Exult ?

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Soul Harvester

bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Soul Harvester »

Ok, consider this a weird bug report: I don't know if the bug is in Exult since I literally don't have the time to download it (takes approximately 3 hours to get it on my current connection), but I have been playing SI recently and recall a bug with training and Erinon's Axe from the silver seed.

It worked as thus:

When you equip the axe, you gained +10 to combat. If you went to the list field and trained, when you left the list field you were not holding the axe any longer but still had the +10 bonus. As long as you didn't re-equip the axe, you kept that +10 permanently.

My question is, can anyone test to see if Exult replicates this?
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Dominus »

we have some weird stuff going one with the Silver Seed ability enhancers. I think we even have an age old bug report about this in our tracker.
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Daemongar »

While on the subject - Yurial gave me two purple orbs - through speaking to him two times. Not a big one, I know...

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by cyberfugue »

"While on the subject - Yurial gave me two purple orbs - through speaking to him two times. Not a big one, I know..."

This was a bug in the original SI.
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by drcode »

Yes. When you unequip an item, we're supposed to run the usecode script for that item, and that takes care of decrementing your stats. But when another script (as in the List Field) unequips the item, we don't do that, so you have the bug. I don't think we'll fix it for this release, since it will take too much testing.

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by MV »

Just as long as you leave the mountains of freedom "feature" in from the original, we'll be happy. :D

I always made a point of doing the silver seed just before playing with frigidazzi. :)
Soul Harvester

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Soul Harvester »

MV: are you referring to the ring of reagents still being "active" when you are sent into the mountains?
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by SB-X »

There is also this Mountains of Freedom "bug" related to the black sword:

And while I'm in a searching mood, here is a post about the SS/Yurel bug:

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by MV »

Huh? The ring of reagents is always on me when I go to the mountains. Or it's in my inventory at least.

I'm talking about:

1. Do SS, get everything.

2. Put on axe, belt and gloves.

3. Get thrown in jail.

4. Still have boosted stats. But none of those items.

5. :)
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by drcode »

I thought this bug only exists in Exult, but not the original SI. That is true, isn't it?
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Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by artaxerxes »

related to SI's bug:

Can anyone confirm or deny this bug using Exult and the original SI engine:
when you start a brand new game, d-click on the gangplank. In Exult, it opens, but IIRC, in SI it doesn't.


Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by MV »

I thought this bug only exists in Exult, but not the original SI. That is true, isn't it?
No, It's in the original.
Neutronium Dragon

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

It's definitely in the original. I remember it happening to me quite often as a result of the various equipment-removal situations.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Warder »

That's a bug that should be fixed then :/

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by CheshireKatt »

I was always fond of this bug -- once I figured out how it actually worked. I haven't tested the entire sequence in Exult, but since it's a usecode thing I don't doubt that it works as it does in the original.

It is true that having the Belt of Strength, Gloves of Quickness, and Erinon's Axe equipped, and then losing them due to a script keeps the +10 Strength, Dexterity, and Combat bonuses...but it also leaves those items in equipped mode.

Equip those items on someone ELSE, and you'll notice that their respective stats don't change...until you unequip them, at which point, their stats drop by 10. At that point, the items have been reset and can be used normally. The person whose stats were drained by the items, however, is stuck that way.

This isn't really all THAT useful, though you can do a few things with it -- find someone with a really bad Combat stat (Automatons, Mortegro, Gwenno), give them the axe, train them at the list field (they'll auto-unequip it to train, then not re-wield it), create an automaton, have HIM wield the axe to reset it, and give it back to the original person (and repeat as necessary), or use all three with the Avatar's various auto-unequip events to max his Strength, Dexterity, and Combat, making Intelligence trivial to raise.

Of course, stats aren't really important in Serpent Isle, beyond Strength for being a packrat, or Intelligence for more mana, but that's not the point here.

Re: bug in SI, also in Exult ?

Post by Warder »

The point is that it's a flaw in the game and should be fixed. :)