Exult 3D Screenshots I

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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by cyberfugue »

Someone definitely should tell Richard Garriot about this. It is truly amazing and I've no doubt he would be thrilled about it, judging from his past reactions to people's preservation & extension of his work.

Maybe he can be persuaded to post something here. I (and I'm sure many others) hold him in high esteem and would love to see any of his comments.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by BH4 »

*lol* I would undoubtedly take a screenshot of his post and hang it on my wall forever. :-D ^o^ ^O^ ^o^ ... :-Þ

Really, any idea when the Windows port it? Or system requirements? I'll bet an AMD 1700 512 MB Ram could handle it.
Questing Dragon


Post by Questing Dragon »

Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my. The best game in the world gets a facelift! This could be the start of a new Ultima VII! :O A work of high art! A fresh breath of life into the Reconstruction!
Samurai Dragon

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Samurai Dragon »

Excellent work, folks. I look forward to seeing the completed results!

One thing, though -- I'm not wholly convinced the cloud shadows work as is. They appear to be brown-tinged rather than black, which makes them look odd. In the fourth screen-shot from the first post, I initially thought the trees which Iolo and the Avatar are standing near were on fire... <:)
Jon Tseng
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Jon Tseng »


That is truly amazing! Congratulations!

So when's the Zaurus port out ;-)


Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by VSTM »

Neat, I wouldn't have expect the buildings to look so nice. I can see that there is still a lot of work to be done before it looks like it should.

I'm not much of a 3d modeller, but I'm learning. I'm currently teaching myself how to use Blender3d.

If any 3d modellers see this, what would you suggest for 3d modelling?
There is blender3d, which is a complete 3d suite. There is milkshape which seems very good for 3d models. I have also heard that some people like to model with wings3d.
I'm thinking more about free 3d modellers that anyone can download and use. I'm sure not everyone who wants to make models for ultima7 in 3d is going to want to pay for 3dsmax, maya, or softimage.

For textures, I guess that gimp is the next best thing to photoshop?

The only other 3d isometric project I can think of right now is metroid cubed(http://pages.infinit.net/voxel/home.htm) and it uses voxels. That's not an extension to an existing engine, though.

Will Exult3d be able to use directx or opengl for special effects and acceleration? I know that it's probably not necessary, but it's just a though.
Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Gradilla Dragon »

DirectX will certainly be a no-no, since it's Windows-only.
- Gradilla Dragon
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

The author has been using OpenGL, so his work should run on most platforms.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Skutarth »

Holy crap! Please finish and release this for Windows as soon as possible!
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Bomb Bloke »

I am confused, however... Um, I may have missed it, but how are the textures converted for the 3D engine? It would be... difficult... to get the software to do it dynamically... (O o)
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Dominus »

DrCode: Thanks! and yes, I first get 3D bounding boxes from the data in tfa.dat, then I do some tricky texture mapping to get things to line up mostly-right. The original Ultima 7 artists did a pretty good job of setting correct bounding boxes for objects and then colouring inside the lines, so to speak.
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Russian man NLN

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Russian man NLN »

Amerikosi vi vse glupie ludi. Vasha Ultima - otcoi. Idite pivka popeite esli est 21 god ))) Shenki...

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Sevaton »

Amerikosi vi vse glupie ludi. Vasha Ultima - otcoi. Idite pivka popeite esli est 21 god ))) Shenki...

I'm russian but i love ultima! If you have another opinion then shut up!

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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by SB-X »

Do what? ... (is that a translation)

Samurai Dragon: He fixed the coloring right after the pictures were posted. A lot of things look a lot better than they did when the screenshots were made.

Ultima 8?

Post by zzyss »

Gees, this will make the game vastly superior to Ultima 8 (and probably even U9) in every way!!

(Well, until somebody "frees" the camera in U8 anyway).

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by zzyss »

Oh yeah... and somebody should buzz Denis Loubet as well, to show him what's been done to his work (I think it was him... or did he only do the 3D stuff?)

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Bob »

Could someone please post some recent screenshots?

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by borzwazie »

holy crap! that looks crazy good. nice job, guys!

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Me »

Now release a version that works on the most popular OS on the planet.

I don't have the time to put into getting a Linux box running correctly with my hardware...
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Dominus »

Guys, patience, patience...
Sam is busy and got other things to do so please let him take breaths and don't rush him. When he deems his code fit for the general public he will say so and I'm sure there will be a binary for you to play with.
Until then: stay calm!
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by RazorBlade »

Heh you should have seen the uproar when that guy released the new models mod for System Shock 2, people were so happy about it, and wanted so much to help that some even attacked him verbaly! lol

The one side really has to stay calm and try to be reasonable and the other should try not to feel attacked by those crazy fans like us ;) We just like this stuff way too much!

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Fabio »

oh my god I just had a nerdic orgasm

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Nel »

I think there should be a first person view even if it looks bad, some people (like me) would like to see Britannia with the eyes of our chars. ;)

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Daemon »

It would be great if someone remade the old ultimas using exult3d :>
So we would have 7 ultimasVII to play :~

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Zos/Xavius.23 »

A whole new Ultima game would be even better. A real sequel to Ultima VII would rock, we could just forget about the Pagan land and the horrible mess that Ultima IX became.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Wtcher »

I really enjoyed Pagan. Plotwise, it made a lot sense to me, I loved the atmosphere and I loved the world and magic system. :)

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by J3RK »

Looks like we're in the minority here. I absolutely loved Pagan. It's what got me into the series in the first place. The music was nice, the atmosphere was incredible. It wasn't this jolly old medievalish romp through wonderland. It was dark, the people are opressed, and the Avatar had to do some questionable things for once in his life. That's life. The graphics are IMO the best of the whole series. I thought the plot was good too. Also, there are so many Ultima games set in Britania, that Pagan is a nice change of pace. It's actually one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. I got sucked righ into it. I love the 7 series, and 6, and though it's nowhere near what all the other Ultima games, I even enjoyed 9. As flawed as it is, it is still an ok game. I can see why maybe the most hardcore virtuous Ultima fanatics might not like Pagan so much, but if you forgive it for being a little different, I don't see how anyone could think it was a bad game.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by RazorBlade »

Yup, U8 was a great game with awesome atmosphere. The only things bothering me were the somewhat small world and the strange connection between areas (how did the plain folks exactly get to that island?)

I even liked the magic system very much, only the UW magic was better IMO. Especially wind and fire were awesome (once you manage to complete a spell in those pentagrams anyway.)
Winter Storm

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Winter Storm »

I loved Ultima 8, it was the first RPG I ever played and spawned my love for genre. I finished the game multiple times before I found out that there was a jumping system fix. That just made it even better! I now have Ultima 7 and its expansion, I hope to finish or at least fit in some quality time with it during the holiday breaks I have coming up.

Bringing my post back on topic the 3D system looks great, I usually don't like anything but a 2D RPG simply because they generally look better. Take Balders Gate II high quality bitmaps environments vs Never Winter Nights blocky people and repeated texture terrains, but that doesnft really count when they use the same textures like you are doing with this 3D version of exult.

Good luck with it!
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by SB-X »

U7 spoiled me. No RPG is free enough if I can't build a log cabin, or at least rearrange some noble's furniture.
I can't enjoy an Ultima without party members.
U8 does have great graphics. (I'd prefer if they weren't so dark, but that's the game's atmosphere)

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Psychlonic »

Wow, this is incredible. The game looks so different when there are these new angles! Reminds me of the old versions of "Runescape" in a way. Well, graphically at least.
Gileathane Dragon

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Gileathane Dragon »

Holy fugucking shiiiettt.


*throws a bag of fat props at Sam*

Nice work.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Kestral »

Good work, very good work, Glad to see that you done something nice with the original game, to make it enjoyable in every aspect there can be, for me, I try to put it in a fps game mode, going to be very difficult though, must find different engines i can work with. If any of you know any engines, maybe i can get you guys a good fps rpg on this game, and make it accurate as possibal.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by lonewolf40kursk »

What's with that Russian guy? Sevaton or something... sounds weird at first but I guess I could read what he's trying to say... well at least a bit. Can't find a lot of Russian people here.

Oh, congratulations on the recent breakthrough. It's very nice in any perspective I could use, but uh... this sounds kinda' funny. Erm, you guys wanted a script writer or story writer for a new Ultima? I guess I could try with any of those... just give me some work to do and the rest of the game designing (as I don't know anything about animations and game designing) goes to you guys.

Well? Any words?

Those which didn't kill me makes me stronger, those which do makes them vice-versa.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Sevaton »

Hello lonewolf40kursk!

First, if you want to find some russians people,then just go here:

Second,don't forget to visit our forum.

Regard to exult team.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

EDIT (by Dominus):
Highly unlikely for Jeff to post something like this.
Whoever that was, behave.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by draadje »

just for the record. U8 was awesome. :)
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

Yes, it was pretty obvious from the IP address. Thanks, Dominus.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by mustardbadger »


What's the news on progress and development? Do you reckon you'll have a finished or stable release of the 3d version soon? Any plans to put a site up?

Great stuff guys, I'm just struggling to get my head around how much fun a 3d world could be for U7... especially with a free camera angle...
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Dominus »

At the moment it seems that development has slowed down to a crawl. Sam has had other things to tend to.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

When things pick up (and I'm done playing Martian Dreams), I'm hoping we can integrate this into the main Exult source.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Paulon »

It took me just a week to finish the main quest of Martian Dreams, without any hints or walkthroughs
Mind you, there's a lot of replay value and fun things to find and work out even after the game's complete. Heck, I was still finding out new stuff years after I 'finished' it, including the _easy_ way to solve some of the problems. :-)
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

I spent 2-3 weeks playing it, eventually referring to a walk-through when I got stuck (which was 4-5 times). There are a few cases where you have a quest, but it's not possible to complete until another one is done first. For example, I was told to find the lab near the North Pole, and spent 1-2 (real) hours wandering around and around without finding it. From the walkthough, I learned that it wasn't accessible until I'd done something else first.

Great game overall, though, and probably one of my favorite Ultima plots. I also really liked the way the world changed as you progressed.
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by SB-X »

I just... got tired of the barely changing landscape for miles and miles. From this it sounds like it the story/action picks up sometime later after you leave the area of the pod?

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Natreg »

It was boring to me too at first, but once you repair the energy station and the bridges and all began working again it gets a lot better :) Also the Dream world has great puzzles :)

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Natreg »

Oh I forget, DrCode have you tried to ask Spector things about other Ultimas or about Savage Empire ?? :)

Try Asking about Ultima or Lord British, and also try looking for the wisp (it must be at night).
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by drcode »

Natreg: No, I didn't think of asking Spector, but I did try it with the Shadowlords.

Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Natreg »

I didn´t want to mention the shadowlords cos didin´t knew if you get there and didn´t want to spoil it :)
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by Dominus »

Aehm, guys - don't sway too far from that topic. We already have a Martian Dreams topic, don't we?
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Re: Exult 3D Screenshots I

Post by korean »

i'm korean,