Carpet == crash to desktop

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Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by BeagleBoy »

This is a bit odd. I'm using a recent snapshot, with the keyring mod installed. I've been using the carpet without any trouble, then I "parked" it facing south right in front of the drawbridge in Britain. When I take off, I can fly south with no problem, but as soon as I turn east or west, the game crashes completely. No error messages.

Anyone else run into this?

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Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by marzo »

Please submit a bug report with a savegame just before this happens.
Marzo Sette Torres Junior
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Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by BeagleBoy »

I was going to, and then I lost my savegame. Sigh. In the unlikely event that I manage to duplicate it, I'll submit it.

Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by Tobyn »

no savegame needed, I experienced the same (again, with and without Keyring). Just start a plain Black Gate, teleport to the carpet and land at the drawbridge...
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Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by MeddlingMonk »

I tried it myself. The game didn't crash for me, just locked up...but that's a difference that doesn't make a difference. For the record, I've been playing BG for a while now with the latest snapshot and using the carpet almost exclusively and this is the only situation in which I've seen trouble using the carpet, so maybe it really does only become a problem when landing just south of the castle bridge.

Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by Tobyn »

I also play BG almost exclusively with the carpet (and Orb and Virtue Stones) and never experienced such carpet crashes apart from the test six weeks ago... until now, even with the latest (080503) snapshot. But at least I found out the cause - ever parked your carpet at the pirate fort on the Isle of the Avatar or near some other waving flag locations? (Serpent's Hold, LB's Castle, some docks and so on)

Every time you park your carpet south of a waving flag (blue, red or green doesn't matter), the game assumes it is a part of the barge once you take off again and drags the flag along with the carpet automatically... which works fine until you turn the carpet and the game freezes and crashes, presumably because it can't find the corresponding west/east/south/north facing frames it has for seats and other parts of the Flying Carpet barge. Can force crash with other animated frames such as placing a Greer Plant on the carpet...

In short: The real problem is that the carpet automatically collects parts of the scenery and fixes them to the barge (also accidentially collected an ever-trailing dust heap that way).

BTW: before these tests, I never noticed you can turn standard objects like boots or a magic shield by 90 degrees when putting them on the carpet and turning it after takeoff...
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Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by drcode »

Thanks for pointing that out. I know it's been a problem in the past, and I'll try to take a look into fixing it later this week.
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Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by drcode »

I think I've got this fixed, first by avoiding catching the flag in the first place; and second, by not hanging/crashing if you have caught the flag. Of course, by changing the way things are gathered up for the carpet and other 'barges' (ships, ice-raft), there's a >slight< chance I could have broken something. I'm sure you'll let us know.:-)

Re: Carpet == crash to desktop

Post by Tobyn »

wow, what a quick fix, thanks :) I played a bit, works fine, didn't get any more errors...

... apart from the usual occasional crashes which I can't reproduce and which are definitely not caused by the carpet... might be Lock Lake cleanup or gem/gold nugget carrying or even something completely different each time *g*