Dragon attacking itself?

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Dragon attacking itself?

Post by alagner »

Like here. Looks like it's trying to breathe fire on me but after a while he falls unconscious. WinXP, latest snapshot
vel. Alagner Dragon
Adam McIntosh

Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by Adam McIntosh »

Is the dragon standing on a caltrop [the invisible kind maybe]?
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Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by alagner »

Reveal spell does not show it so rather not, I also tried hackmoving the dragon a bit to SW w/o a result, i.e. it still does harm to itself. Interesting thing, however, is that this happens only in that room o Destard. I was unable to spot it for example in case of Deceit or Bucc's Den dragons, this doesn't even affect other dragnos in Destard, only those appearing in that room. I can try hackmoving the monsters around to see whether it's monster or place depedant as I noticed this behaviour only in the room presented on the screenshot.

And one more thing, related to magic monsters (I posted it already I guess but I'm no sure, if so - please forgive me): they do not attack while invisible, and casting reveal makes them paralyzed.
None of this happened in the original (though, in both Exult and original invisibility makes them invulnerable).

By the way - were the monsters supposed to fight with each other in the original? I'm asking 'cause the gazer in Deceit is killing the headless everytime I approach there ;)
vel. Alagner Dragon
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Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by SepiaAndDust »

It ain't just the dragons. Mages also go invis but never attack (the "enemy nearby" lag lets you know that they're still around), bats attack snakes, headless attack each other, and individual wolves attack the rest of the pack.

The problem may be with the targeting system. Try this: find a bunch of wolves, and let them chase you (just before the Troll Bridge near Yew is a good place). Do a lot of back and forth running, staying just out of their reach... when they change direction to follow you, one wolf will often bite a pack mate. If that causes the victim to become unconscious, the attacker won't stop until the other is dead.

I understand a headless behaving that way, but I expected much better from the noble wolf!

Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by Rachel »

I seem to remember that there was always a dragon that attacked itself, even in the original code. I could be wrong, though!
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Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by alagner »

IF it was in the original code, then it surely wasn't implemented in v1.2 ;)
After Thursday I'll be able to check all this in a more complex way, so please, be patient ;)
vel. Alagner Dragon
Ken Arov

Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by Ken Arov »

Thank you, I will wait for stable release. I hope it will be released.
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Re: Dragon attacking itself?

Post by drcode »

Sounds like a bug that got introduced recently. I'll try to take a look this week.