VGA PDA compatability?

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VGA PDA compatability?

Post by MagooChris »


I was just wondering if anyone has been able to get Exult to work on a VGA PDA?

I've got a hx4700 with WM6.1 and the clicking for the mouse is out of sync... it feels like the touch only responds in what would be the standard PDA screen size but then reflects to the whole screen...

yeah it sounds confusing... I can get screen shots if needed...

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Re: VGA PDA compatability?

Post by artaxerxes »

Sure, shots would be nice as I can't make sense of what you explained.

I ran Exult on both 320x240 and 320x200 screen resolutions on the Zaurus and there were no screen size issues.

Artaxerxes (not always posting but reading the forum every day)

Re: VGA PDA compatability?

Post by MagooChris »

I fixed it... took me until I had gotten into BG to get to the settings (oh that was fun) but eventually after fiddling around I got a good setting:
The default width and height should be kept (320x240) but set the Scale to x2 and turn on fullscreen... it works after that. Otherwise I can use 640x480 on scale 1 but it's a little small to see :)

my only problems now are the little freezes every now and again, and working out how to set the hard buttons to do useful things :)