Stealing and getting away

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Stealing and getting away

Post by »

Hi guys,

As this is my first post, allow me to publicly marvel at everything that has been done in this project. It's just amazing! By being about my most favorite game of all times it's already awesome, and by being open-source, its awesomeness could reach my PSP as a homebrew, and I'm sure it will reach other systems as well. So far I've been playing this PSP port and it's extremely sharp. When I see some project like this I really wish I had gone to college to learn programming instead of advertising/marketing so I could help with this kind of thing.

Well, I have a question. I read on the FAQ there's a "known issue" regarding "stealing and killing innocent NPCs now working yet like it does in the original". In the original Black Gate, years ago, I used to steal all I wanted exploiting a known bug (or feature) where you could steal freely and get away just by opening the inventory while subtracting any item. Does anybody knows if this bug still exists in Exult or how it works, generally speaking?

I'm playing a PSP port of Exult by the way, which is based on Exult 1.2 I think, but I'll be happy with any answer, not specific about this port... it might still be helpful. I understand the PSP port might have not been made by the same guys behind original Exult.

Thanks in advance!
Rafael Lopez

Re: Stealing and getting away

Post by trev5 »

Hi Rafael,

unfortunately I cannot answer your question, but I would like to know how it feels like playing Exult on the PSP. Isn't it uncomfortable without a mouse or touchscreen?

I played it on my Sharp Zaurus with Stylus and touchscreen and it was ok. But how do you move the mouse cursor? With the joypad of the PSP?

Looking forward to your experiences :)

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Re: Stealing and getting away

Post by alagner »

And a little more on the topic: I don't have 1.2 installed at the moment, but as far as I remember "consecration ritual" [credit goes to Doug The Eagle ;) - check it out if you don't know it, btw] works pretty much the same as in the original, at least it seems so.
vel. Alagner Dragon

Re: Stealing and getting away

Post by Charlie »

The PSP's analog pad controls the mouse pointer. The way the controls were mapped out works surprisingly well.
Posts: 237
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Stealing and getting away

Post by MeddlingMonk »

Stealing seems to work the same as in the original. But, like the original, you not only have to open the inventory, you should drop the swag onto any party member other than the Avatar; that way, it's not the Avatar who's doing the stealing.

Re: Stealing and getting away

Post by Cobalt »

Actually it works very well. I got farther in the story line on the PSP in Ultima 7 than I did on the PC surprisingly.