Combat Mechanics

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Combat Mechanics

Post by Josh »

I vaguely remember reading a post a while back mentioning that the combat mechanics in exult were recreated made up from scratch because there was no frame of reference (I apologize if I’m misremembering this).

I was just flipping through “Balancing the Scales”, the Serpent Isle clue book, and I noticed they have a simple explanation of combat. I doubt it has anything you don’t already know but just in case I thought I’d post it.

This is from page 61, the bestiary.

Strength and Combat refer to the character attributes of the same name. Armour refers to the number of points subtracted from the damage of an attack and Damage refers to the number of Hits subtracted from an opponent when that creature makes a successful strike. Reach is how far away the creature can strike, measured in paces.

Here’s a sample monster from the Bestiary:

Headless –
St: 16
Ar: 3
Co: 9
Da: 2
Re: 3

Unfortunately anything really useful like the formulas for determining a hit or how exactly strength and combat relate to damage aren’t covered =/.

I doubt this helped... but there you go, just in case :-p.
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Re: Combat Mechanics

Post by drcode »

Thanks. We do use these statistics; but the formulas we use don't match the original U7's. Ours are a mixture of D&D and Rogue:-) It will probably stay this way through our 1.00 release, and then get redone after that.

Re: Combat Mechanics

Post by toad`sMoke »

yeah... the states are really messed up... The avatar, Iolo and Spark can kill a dragon after leaving trinsic for the first time. that's kinda lame...

Re: Combat Mechanics

Post by Tim »

I never could kill a dragon even after I had Iolo, Spark, Sentri, Shamino, and Jaana. :( i.e. where you go to Destard at Batlin's request.

I think the combat works pretty well. I haven't noticed any huge deviations from what I remember in the original.