Teleport Oddity

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Teleport Oddity

Post by Frog »

Just started a new game and am in trinsic. If I go south (in the town)
I come to a point outside a house and teleport into a room with five runes.
Next I get teleported into the monks abbey in the north. I don't remmeber anything like this in the original, it has been a while since i last played.
Can anybody tell me what's going on ? Exult is the biz.

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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by wjp »

What version of exult are you using?
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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Frog »

I am using v0.94alpha5
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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by nadir »

This is a known bug with the Alpha. It is fixed in the daily snapshots (available from the download page)
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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Frog »

Many Thanks. I'll give it a try.
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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Dominus »

and to clarify a bit, that teleporter is normally only accessible when you are standing on a crate or sth like that. It´s actually an "Easter Egg" which bring you to the so called cheatrooms and such.
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Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by MV »

But you REALLY do want to go through the other hidden teleporter in trinsic instead. Very nice room. Then the teleporter in that room takes you to that other area that the hidden one next to the tree takes you.

Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Tim »

Speaking of wierd teleporters....

The first time I went into Alagner's storehouse and stepped on the teleporter in the middle (just north of the sleepy field), I got sent to this cave somewhere loaded with goodies. Too bad I didn't save the game or make it back alive. There was a chair that was something like "Throne of Change" and it teleported you around when you sat in it. You would still be sitting in the "Throne", but it was in a different place. I was a dum-dum and didn't save once I got there. There was a room with a liche somewhere in the mix and as soon as I walked through the middle of that room, I wound up dead.

I have no idea how I wound up there or how to do it again. Wish I could, there was a mage in there. If you killed him, you could take his spellbook (which was nearly full).

Anybody else ever get there? Could you do it again?

Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Stephan »

Heh heh. You're not supposed to go there until much later... because you -will- end up there eventually. I won't spoil it for you.

Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Tim »

Is that on the Isle of the Avatar? Don't worry about spoiling it... I've played through BG before. If I end up there at some point during the game later, then that's ok.

Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Stephan »

Actually, yeah, that is on the Isle of the Avatar. I have no idea how you ended up there, though. ;)

Re: Teleport Oddity

Post by Tim »

It was weird... All I thought was... look at all these goodies. :) And me without my Mark and Recall. :(