Next release

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Next release

Post by drcode »

I believe we're about ready to release our first Beta. I'm currently playing through SI as a tester, finding and fixing bugs along the way. Generally, it's quite playable, and I'm finding about one bug/hour, most easily fixed. The latest are:

1. The bad-guy, Rabinxxxxx, in the Dream World, was going into combat mode, so that you couldn't talk to him.
2. There was a vertical black band in the Dream World (display problem).
3. Fixed a crash when exchanging money (probably the same bug reported in the forum).
4. Problems getting the party to sit in the Magelord's boat.

I'm currently at the Draygun subplot, and, if the other developers agree, will plan on the release when I successfully complete the game.

Of course, we'll continue fixing bugs during Beta, but there shouldn't be major enhancements or changes during that period. My personal plan is to go back to working on ExultStudio and the script-compiler.
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Re: Next release

Post by drcode »

One other fixed bug:

5. In the Furnace arena the Automatons didn't attack properly and the doors didn't open/close automatically as they should.

Re: Next release

Post by comat0se »

Yes! Beta! Congrats!

Re: Next release

Post by Xane »

That thiefing and murdering issue hasnt been properly fixed yet, any chance thats beeing done? Iolo really doesnt seem to mind in watching theft and even joins any major slaughter.
I think thats one of the more bigger bugs as theres no need for Virtue...
And is it ok, that its possible to outrun everyone, when not in combat mode? If you steal and the guard comes, you can just run away. Which leaves him standing quite confused...
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Re: Next release

Post by drcode »

Townsfolk do fight back (at least in BG the last time I tried), and shopkeepers will catch you stealing. It's not exactly like in the original, but then, Exult is not Ultima. I also recall it being pretty easy to get away with theft in the original games.

Plus, this isn't a gameplay issue that I really care about. Why not just be virtuous?:-)

Re: Next release

Post by Noname »

Another bug i find that is annoying is after i play SI for maybe, 10min, it will sometimes just randomly close. I hate that because i always have to go back to my previous save.

Re: Next release

Post by Xane »

But seriously, the ways of theft are common trodden paths.
If im bad if want it respected and really deserve some punishment! ;)

Re: Next release

Post by Stephan »

I agree with Dr. Code. Why just not be virtuous, the way the game was intended to be played? ;)
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Re: Next release

Post by drcode »

Noname: Are there any messages in stdout.txt or stderr.txt that would give a clue as to why the program died? Were you doing anything particular each time (like opening the Stats window)?

Re: Next release

Post by Xane »

Because if stealing and murdering are too easy, its unbalanced tempting to not care about Virtuosity. I like strong rules, where you cant say, the game lets me do it, so it must be ok. If something can be done, then no bugs should be involved.

But it seems you want listen to me, well then ..., just call it Beta, i dont mind... *trying to wipe the tears away, while glimpsing for the post button*...
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Re: Next release

Post by drcode »

But that's not virtuous:-) Anyway, I'm not saying we'll never improve it. And if there aren't enough other bugs during Beta, I may take another look.

Still, it seems like it wasn't that hard to steal in the original. I recall looting a whole lot in Trinsic and Britain before discovering that you were even supposed to be virtuous.
Karl Garrison

Re: Next release

Post by Karl Garrison »

I agree it's about time Exult went Beta ... it's been quite usable for some time, and remarkably stable. Beta doesn't mean bug free, after all. :-)

Also, I'm looking forward to more progress being made with Exult Studio ... I've always loved the U7 engine, and I look forward to seeing what kinds of new games people make using E.S.


Re: Next release

Post by Xane »

Yes i'll stop whinning, i do believe in Beta too. Congratulations!

Re: Next release

Post by Tim »

I think a bigger virtue problem is that your party members object to you taking items from dungeons that should be up for grabs. It's selective too. Sometimes they complain, other times they don't. I can't take things from crates and barrels in dungeons, Alagner's storehouse without everyone yelling at me. :) Items on the ground or in chests are fine (they have to start there). Since party members desert you for "lack of virtue", I think this is more important than not letting the Avatar rape, murder, and pillage. :)

Xane... U9 lets you steal to your heart's delight. Not kill though. I tried and tried to whack that guy in Moonglow with my hammer, but he just wouldn't die. :)

Thank you for your time. :)

Yay, Beta.
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Re: Next release

Post by XxVenomxX »

Yet, oddly enough though, the guards in U9 had no problem if you decided to murder the children, lol.
"My daddy can beat you up!"

"You smell funny!"

*Avatar whistles, scratches his head*

Yet when that grouchy old lady in Britain gets her just deserts (me beating her with a war hammer), the guards come running. I mean, come on! Who's more important to Britannias future? The old crone or the kids? Sheesh. :P
Fantasy art/Illustration by Brendan Setaro
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Re: Next release

Post by drcode »

I'm not seeing this problem in the SI game I started a couple weeks ago. The 'stealing-in-dungeons' bug is supposed to be fixed; but if you have an older savegame, the flags for many objects may be wrong.

Re: Next release

Post by suraimu »

Just wondering, but if you fixed the 'stealing-in-dungeons' bug, then why
isn't the 'stealing-in-town' bug also fixed, since it's basically a reverse of
the same bug?

Additionally, the murdering-in-town bug isn't just the fact that your party
members help you out, but also that the townsfolk don't run away when
low on health, they don't drop equipment while running away, the guards
don't come, and the townsfolk don't bleed.

Re: Next release

Post by Tim »

So, if I start over it should be corrected?

I will check.