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Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:26 pm
by Oblivious
No, it's not up on a site yet, and unfortunately, it's hard to get myself to write the parts out much, since it goes so extremely in-depth. I can tell you some of the other ideas, though, as I think of them. Although in my fic, it's not the strongest of the virtues who are the most affected by the SHadowlords, it's the ones with weaknesses in their virtues that can be bypassed. Here are a few examples.


*frustration can be amplified into anger, which can be amplified into hatred. Those strongest in the principle of love are generally more immune to this, however. In a backstory scene, the Shadowlord of Hatred appears in Jhelom during a tournament. Suddenly, Geoffrey's best friend is no longer actually duelling with him, but actually trying to kill him! Geoffrey tries to get away since he is unable to knock his friend out easily, thus would have to REALLY hurt him in order to knock him out (his best friend is nearly as skilled as he is) During his retreat, he is attacked from behind. Geoffrey becomes frustrated and succumbs to the Shadowlord's influence.

*Even concern or uncertainty can be amplified into fear. In one instance, Iolo succumbs to the shadowlord's influence when Gwenno is put in danger, and he begins to worry she may be killed.

*In the backstory, Geoffrey and most of his friends were practically immune to this Shadowlord, because they would simply focus 100% on the battle and on their determination to win (as well as their hatred for the shadowlord/Blackthorn's corrupt guards) Their determination overrided their compulsion to flee.

I don't have much on falsehood, yet.

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:33 pm
by XxVenomxX
I'd just like to make a note that it's nice to see a post on such a *relevant* and worthwhile topic reach the 100 count :)

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 6:15 pm
by suraimu
>> Y'know, if Blackthorn was good after the Shadowlords left, I highly
>> doubt LB would have banished him like that. He isn't -that- senile. :)

>Uh, did you ever actually win Ultima 5? Because that is not how it happened.

Hey, it's been a decade or two since then, so please excuse me. :)

Additionally, I recently read/remembered that you learn in SI that
Blackthorn stayed with the Xenkan monks until he was a purified
man or somesuch. That does kind of make his appearance in U9
a little messed up.

But then you could always just take my new found attitude of U9 being
a gigantic alternate-universe lie, and everything works out nicely. :)

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 6:41 pm
by Los Schaboss
anybody played martian dreams ?
because the shadowlors talk to the avatar in the dream world , and there are some coincidences to the u9 story

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 8:33 pm
by Oblivious
Tell me of them! I must know!

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 9:09 pm
by suraimu
As I said before, Martian Dreams and Savage Empire are NOT part of the
real Ultima saga.

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 2:41 am
by SB-X
If the Shadowlords talk to the avatar, why aren't Martian Dreams and
Savage Empire NOT part of the real Ultima saga?

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 3:10 am
by suraimu
They're not part of it mainly because the people who made
it said so. (Can anyone back this up with an actual reference for me?)
It's the reason that your companions are replaced with almost-companions
with similar names, and whatnot.

But to a further extent, they just aren't part of the same storyline. They
don't happen 'between' any of the other games, they're distinct and in
another world, they just borrow a character or two, and the engine.
Pagan was originally supposed to be this, too.

It's just a side-story deal, like MGS for gameboy is, for example.
That kind of deal.

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 3:28 am
by SB-X
WoU were not for Gameboy. It doesn't have to take place between
any of the others officially, it is just assumed that -you- the player, aka
Britannia's Avatar, are the very adventurous type with access to
alternate universes.

Re: Blackthorn

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 4:18 am
by Stephan
Well, Martian Dreams doesn't really fit into the whole thing, with the whole 19th century deal, and Sigmund Freud, and that whole nonsense. Savage Empire can fit in just fine, though.