Hidden conversation in SI

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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Dangus »

I agree that Rocco should die. Nice plot drama. I'd love to see more mages still alive especially, like maybe Mortego(or whatever that necromancer's name is) still alive and baraccaded in his place with tons of automation gaurds(with dead ones toward the front of the place). I mean, it would be so cool to show them totally cowed by the banes where before they were completely arrogant jerks.

As for Monitor, make the people turned into animals like mentioned above, but here's the big catch.... make some of them hostile toward the party, so that if you kill them, when you defeat the bane, they will not be brought back. This will be really hard to do without turning the whole party invisible as they will be wandering the streets. Or maybe require that the player get some sort of talisman to turn the former people non-agressive so that you can then fight the bane without killing the townspeople....

In Fawn, there's barely any NPCs in the place to begin with, so I would do something interesting like make the Fellowship guys all turn really paranoid and afraid of each-other(to go right in the face of "Trust thy brother"), and make more of the deaths involve generic filler characters. I believe Fawn of all places was poorly fleshed-out insofar as the banes go.

Also, Monk Isle could play a much bigger role in the reconstruction. Add in details about the secluded Monks' plans to rebuild the shattered land. After-all, once Xenka is gone and the prophecy is fufilled, the monks would be aimless and wanting for something to do. This would be a PERFECT role for them, especially considering some of them are extremely powerful magic users. Karnax even hinted that they are vastly more powerful magic users than anyone in Moonshade. If this is the case, they would probably just naturally fall into the role of fixing things.

On a side note, a great game project would be to take Exult studio and build a follow-up to Serpent Isle, with a local hero. The game could occur during the reconstruction of the world, and could involve the Ophidians resurfacing from their underground world and coming into conflict with the settlers over territory. All the while some external forces could come into play as well. This could be really cool as it could involve rebuilding of the Serpent Ruins, tons more NPC settlements, recycling of some dungeons, like the Knights Test, which would get overrun by monsters and modified, perhaps by some evil mage. I dunno, just a thought...
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by withstand »

For Fawn, it wouldn't be hard to extrapolate the way the Bane twists and contorts the people - we see the results when we rescue the lady in the swamp, right? If you wanted to get really into it, the Bane could uplift Ruggs over everyone else - make Ruggs a sort of tragic authroity figure, who mourns over not only the death of Delphynia (more drama - needs fleshing out, though, if it's going to be kept in) but also his favoured status with the Bane when all around him are in misery...make it so that he holds no grudge against his former tormentors and wishes only that the pain could end for all in Fawn.

I'm a softy where Ruggs is concerned - if Delphynia could be kept alive, it would be a nice romantic tale amisdst all the doom-and-gloom of the game. But that's just me. Whoever takes this on their shoulders can make that determination.

WtF Dragon
WtF Dragon

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Sergorn »

"Then too...somewhere I read (or maybe I was crazy) that when you planted the Silver Seed, it had a resotorative effect on the land - did it stop the Imbalance? "

Well my understanding; is that the Silver Tree managed to keep balance within the land after the war between the Ophidians and prevented the universe to self destruct after the Chaos Serpent had been whacked and cut into three banes.


Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Makou »

What would be done about the Sleeping Bull? Raided by goblins? Overrun by enraged sheep, desperate to avenge the abuses inflicted upon them? Would it just be the same as it was pre-Banes, only with some acknowledgement among the people there that it might not be a good idea to head off to Fawn or Monitor at the present time? Or would it be something else entirely?

Just a thought... *scutters back into Lurkdom*

- Makou
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by artaxerxes »

This is a freaking BRILLIANT idea for other games made with Exult Studio. And it shouldn't be hard to implement either.

Thanks for sharing your neurons dude! Appreciate.

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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by artaxerxes »

the usecode for Karnax says exactly that.

If you read French, here is the french translation:

L008E: db '"Maintenant que l'Arbre de l'Équilibre prospère dans cet endroit sanctifié'
db ', ces puissantes racines commenceront à guérir notre royaume.'
L0109: db 00
L010A: db '"Ayant restauré l'Équilibre de notre monde, qui sait quels'
db ' miracles peuvent survenir ? J'ai même entendu dire que les âmes'
db ' des morts peuvent retourner à la vie avec l'Équilibre'
db '.'

which means that what you said is true.

Achile Dragon

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Achile Dragon »

Well this is true. But why everyone after the banes pass are all dead even if you plant the silver seed (before or after the bane)
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by withstand »

"Well my understanding; is that the Silver Tree managed to keep balance
within the land after the war between the Ophidians and prevented the
universe to self destruct after the Chaos Serpent had been whacked and
cut into three banes."

A great lead-up, perhaps, to the original plot. Tempered and more restrained due to the Balance created by the tree, the Banes don't go ape-s--t and kill everyone right away, but instead begin to toy with their new "subjects".

I suppose you could still have a reckoning with them in the White Dragon Castle, but maybe that could be made optional - you screw up taking out a Bane in one town, and they flee to White Dragon castle. Screw up three times, and the castle gets pretty tense.

Still keeps a lot of people alive too...changing the game entirely.

WtF Dragon
WtF Dragon

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Toasterthief6 »

If you finish the Silver Seed AFTER the Banes are released, Karnax will say something to the effect that the Tree will help the monks with the rebuilding of Serpent Isle. With the balancing effects of the tree, maybe the monks have more access to power and can heal the land more?

If you finish it before the banes, he doesn't say this. Which explains the purpose of the tree.

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Dangus »

The forest master doesn't even acknowledge that you've planted the Silver Seed. I thought that was a huge oversight.... oh well..

Um, did anyone else notice NPC 267. It's a snow leopard(non agressive) in the Shrine of Tolerance that is in a cage. Check it out in the F2 NPC menu. It's name is "Yearl", oh, and it talks. It won't do a conversation, but it talks like a gaurd would. Very interesting stuff.

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Dangus »

One other thing. Do The Maze in Silver Seed, and talk to the cat. Notice he spells his name two different ways during the conversation ;)

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Makou »

So... Is anyone here willing to organize this project? I've got too much on my plate at the moment to take up that particular task. However, I can pitch in by writing dialogue and doing spritework if need be.

- Makou
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by withstand »

If someone can release an OSX-compatible build of Exult Studio, I'd love them for it - and be able to captain the project. Once school starts up, I'll have my hands full with engineering and Lost Sosaria, but if I can use Exult Studion on my Mac Laptop, I can take over parts of this project. Like the mapping. And some of the design work.

Notionally, I can lead, but I'll be delegating a lot of the work.

Incidentally, OSX can use X-11 compatible applications - I can download a program that enables this feature for free. If there's an X-11 compatible build of Exult & Exult Studio, I might be able to use that.
WtF Dragon
achile Dragon

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by achile Dragon »


Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by ~]|[~ »

A very intereting idea, restoring SI's original plot - I've been working on SI with ExultStudio and have changed all of Moonglows buildings to facilitate an extra level. New rooms include automata labs, storerooms, magical item storage, torture chambers etc etc etc...
It would have been nice to have actually seen the plans for Moonglow, though I still think I've done a good job on it.
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by SB-X »

The links in the original thread point to the plans, but only 1 level.
Wizardry Dragon
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Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Wizardry Dragon »

We're going to work on the three rulers idea over here on the BR project :)

The wonders of UCC.

~ Wizardry Dragon
Cheers, Wizardry Dragon
Lead Designer, Ultima VII: The Feudal Lands

Re: Hidden conversation in SI

Post by Dragon-Dreams »

I know this is an old topic. But I had to bring it up.
If anyone wants to start the project I can help organise it.

I am INCREDIBLY keen on restoring the original plot. ( and I mean the original one, as it was meant to be. ).
Although I can't code, I am a talented writer, 2d artist and musician. ( MIDI and Instrumental. )

If you want to join me and start a project:

email me at:


or if there is already a project I will join that.
I am very interested in this idea.

EDIT: I (Dominus) froze this thread as it seemed to attract spam posts.