Feature Removal?

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Feature Removal?

Post by Khumash-Gor »

I'm not sure if this falls under a Feature Removal or Feature Request... Or could they be the same thing when it comes down to it? Well anyway, what I would like to see taken away from Exult is the fact that when I save my game in empty slots, it also saves into the quick save slot... I use my empty slots for each "step" in the game, and I always use my quicksave beteween each step. But on more than one occasion I forget that saving overwrites my quicksave game too, and I've lost quite a bit of game time that way. One major one was in Skara Brae in BG.

Am I alone, or would anybody else think this is a good request?

-Vividos Dragon-
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Re: Feature Removal?

Post by wjp »

Sorry, no way around that. This is just the way the save system works.

To clarify: the save process is:

write current game state to the gamedat/ directory
pack gamedat/ directory into a savegame

a quicksave is only the first step.

So, a real save 'overwrites' the quicksave.

Re: Feature Removal?

Post by MV »

Yep, that's how the original saved games. The packed save game was for when you continue the game from the main menu.
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Re: Feature Removal?

Post by wjp »

>The packed save game was for when you continue the game from the main menu.

I think you mean unpacked. (i.e., the files in the gamedat/ directory form the game that will be continued)

Re: Feature Removal?

Post by MV »

Opps, that's right. I got it mixed the other way around.