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Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 8:24 pm
by DragonKain
When you get to the Great Hierophant's crypt on the Isle of Crypts, you are supposed to cast "summon shade" to talk with him. When i do this, my spell fizzles and nothing happens. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 2:29 am
by Dominus
hmm, you need some personal items of his (either the three blackrock serpents or the armor, staff, earrings, amulet).

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 5:42 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
IIRC the blackrock balance serpent is a must, though we can look to usecode to be sure.
Also the correct coffin is a must.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 9:40 am
by Neutronium Dragon
Yes, a lot of people end up trying it at the wrong coffin.

The correct one will be found after you've read a history book and obtained one of the serpent eyes. You'll arrive via teleporter in a rougly square chamber with a raised dais in the northern half, and a single sarcophagus atop it. This is the correct one.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 3:28 pm
by DragonKain
Yes. I am doing it at the correct coffin. I have reagents, Summon Shade, all three blackrock items, the serpent earring, serpent amulet, a red glowing chaos serpent eye. Hmm...

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 3:59 pm
by Dominus
you need the serpent armor then (or the crown, or the staff with you). I have a savegame where it won´t work if I unequip all those items (armor, staff, crown). So it seems it only works if you have all three serpent artifacts on you. No matter which. Through my savegame I found out that the blackrock serpents don`t matter in this situation. If you have three artifacts it works with or without them. With only two artifacts and the three serpents it doesn´t work.
Curiosly the serpent sceptre doesn´t count.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 4:03 pm
by Dominus
Another thing. it seems there is a random chance of the whole thing going wrong if you have the paperdoll open when you cast summon shape. Can´t say in which sequence that triggers but I have experienced twice while experimenting that instead of the mumy starting a conversation and therefore closing the paperdoll it would just attack me.

Note to make sure you are at the right spot, open the cheat menu with F2 and the location should be (0b4d, 07d3,04).

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 4:19 pm
by DragonKain
Hmm.. I was on that same spot and it just fizzeled when i cast it. And it used my reagents.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 4:23 pm
by Dominus
but you noticed my other post mentioning you need three serpent artifacts (artifacts: earrings, amulet, crown, staff, armor)? Did you have all those? And maybe just cheat at that point and use the archwizard cheat so you don´t need reagents.
I really just tried with a savegame and got it to work just fine. (you didn´t tell yet, if you are using snapshot or the alpha release - might want to check out snapshot, I'm not sure it worked in the alpha).

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 4:46 pm
by DragonKain
Hmm.. in the walk through it says you must aquire the rest of the artifacts later, after you put the banes back into the wall of lights.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 5:33 pm
by DragonKain
Ok. I went ahead and got the rest of the artifacts, talked with both the heirophant on the isle of crypts and the chaos heirophant at the temple of enthusiasm. Now when i return to Monk Isle, Xenka is nowhere to be found to tell me about sacrafice.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 5:45 pm
by Dominus
I told you what you need. You can't procceed without talking to the hierophant so what.
But, well, believe whatever you want to.
My walkthrough always had me pick up the crown and the staff fairly early in the game (especially as picking them up doesn´t involve any plot related stuff).
Again, I told you how it works, now you must choose how you handle it.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 5:49 pm
by Dominus
after curing your companions did a monk appear who tells you that xenka has returned?

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 5:55 pm
by DragonKain
Xenka had returned earlier. She just wasnt anywhere to be found on the island.

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 6:09 pm
by Dominus
teleport to NPC 215
(F2, N, 215, ')

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 12:21 am
by DragonKain
Found her. Thanks!!!

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 12:31 am
by drk
my teleport in the f2 menu's dont work for either bg or si.. im usin the latest snapshot for win32 if that helps any?

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 3:37 am
by Dominus
Two possibilites: if you have a non-standard-English-keyboard (like the German for example) the ' might be not on the same key where you "see" it is. You have to try out.
Other possibility you are trying to teleport to a dead or cached NPC. If the location in the cheat screen for that NPC is something like (4085, 4092) the NpC is not on the map and you can't teleport there.
Oh, and make sure you are doing it from the NPC screen and not from the main screen...

Re: Stuck on Isle of Crypts

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 11:08 am
by Max aka Moscow Dragon
>Curiosly the serpent sceptre doesn´t count.

What one? Given by the automaton in the Spinebreaker small temple?
Sorry, this one is Order Hierophant's thing, not Great Hierophant's.

Anybody can dissassemble the usecode of Summon Shade to find the _exact_ answer on the cause of this bug?

Paulon (the best Ultima gameplay guru) considers this bug only due to using incorrect coffin.