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Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:20 am
by artaxerxes
After 4 years of coding we finally see Exult fit to be released as 1.0!
We would like to thank everyone who supported us so far, gave us feedback, bug reports and helped us in any other way.
Before you go on to the download page we would like you to read our ReadMe.1st carefully!
As always please also read the documentation and FAQ.
You can find the 1.00 version on our download page. Not every port is yet available for download but when they are done you will find them there.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 1:49 pm
by Render Dragon
Congratulations! It's always good to see this project hit another milestone. Keep up the good work!

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 3:39 pm
by SB-X
Now, if it were me running a project like this, we would start with the first version as "1.00" and count down each release that follows "0.99", "0.98"... When it hit "0.00" we would go into negative numbers of course.
And then for development versions we would have to prepend letters... "a0.98", "q-0.10"... selected randomly really. "x0.00" would be when we've "Gone Gold", whatever that means.
Aren't you glad I'm not running this project?

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 3:54 pm
by Gileathane Dragon
Congratulations Exult team. You're doing a fantastic job.
Keep it up.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 6:55 pm
by Grimlock Dragon
Most wonderful, and greatful congratulations to the Exult team! You've stuck with what you said you were going to do, and that does mean a lot! Ultima 7 is great, and even getting better. Precious few old games can have that claim laid on them!



a.k.a. Grimlock Dragon

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:22 pm
by dag
Let me congratulate to all who worked on that project!

I hope that it will still go on, for there are many other
features to be added, many "bugs" to be eleminated
and many new platforms to be supported ;-)
(i want to play it on my mobile phone, or on my
Anyway, I am sure all the years of endless work was
worth it, as the result proves it.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:28 pm
by Gerry
Great stuff, guys. Thank you & congratulations!

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:34 pm
by Daniel Burke
Congratulations guys, im looking forward to playing it.
Its such a strange coincidence that this came along for what is my favorite game of all time. Especially since my computer became simply too fast for the old version some three years ago.

-Dantec Dragon

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:14 am
by Matthew Boast
Many congratulations on reaching this milestone!! Like many here i've been following Exult since the days of the map viewer and my day would not be complete without checking the Exult web site to see what's going on!
Thankyou so much for taking the time and trouble to give rebirth to my two favourite games of all time.


Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:52 am
by Trevor_Clim
Hooray :D

You did a very well job, Exult Team! keep on with this awesome work! i am really happy to play the two best RPGs ever made again!

Thank you! :)

Good work

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 1:50 am
by Dino3
I especially like Exult because it is special. Unlike the remakes, it not only allows you to play Ultima 7, but it lets you play Ultima 7 as it originally was! Not only that; Exult has shown results, while most remakes haven't bothered to show a little demo.

This new version has not only been announced on the Exult page, but also on Hacki's Ultima Page and my own Ultima Page. I think we'll also see an announcement on Ultima: The Reconstruction soon enough too, if Voyager Dragon is still around.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:10 am
by RazorBlade
Congratulations Exultteam!

You really did a great job, you had high goals for this and you never gave up. Its really impressive and admirable seeing that there is no financial background at all, only fans with a huge amount of creative energy! Thanks to you this great game can be played on nearly every (operating)system(I even tried it on my toaster, you have to get used to the interface though;)-bah, forget that last sentence!)

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 8:51 am
by MagicMop
Great job guys! Exult has been a dream come true for me - not only allowing me to play such a great game again, but actually improving on the original in a lot of ways!

Congratulations on making it to version 1.0!


Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:27 am
by Sslaxx
Interesting to hear your comments, Dino. Any idea when demos of Exile or Adventures are due?

thanks for the interest

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:47 pm
by Dino3
It's nice to see someone's interested...

Exile has started just a few months ago, so you can't yet expect anything. We don't know yet when we'll release something, though you can always go to the Exile forums and suggest something if you wish. When we get to releasing something, we might find ideas handy.

Adventures of Blackthorn has gone quite a way, and I see nice results ahead. But once again, it'll be some time before the results actually come out. So stay tuned on the Blackthorn site and forums, 'cause it's quite a promising project, at least in my opinion (having seen the storyline and its "inner" stuff).

If you want to see updates about both of them, you can check at my site ( ) - I keep track of updates from almost every remake, so you can know if there's an update by checking on my site rather than checking both the remake sites.

Anyway, thanks for the interest...

You know, my previous post has got me thinking... if a remake is meant to give people a freeware product that may be developed further even after final release, then why not release a demo every so often to show its progress? I mean, it's pretty fruitless to make a nice website and keep people on their toes for years until the first demo comes out. I, even as a remaker, fail to understand this. Some might argue that it won't be interesting to have small updates like that, but I think that I'd much rather experience what's been done in the remakes so far than wait for years until they've done good progress.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 2:12 pm
by Sslaxx
Absolutely. I'd rather see regular demos released of what's been done, than wait possibly years for something.

I'll be waiting for Exile demos with great interest, and I may well give suggestions. As for Adventures... decidedly less so, because I do not have, nor have any intention of getting, Dungeon Siege.

Exult 1.0 has been released!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 11:53 pm
by Dino3
I've spoken to Corvwyn (leader of Exile) and suggested that we should release a demo sometime or other. Perhaps you might see some results within a few months. :)

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 4:08 am
by Zosite
[center]At last the day has come!! The day when the efforts of 4 years have crystallized in Exult 1.00.

You, members from Exult Team, have somehow done a miracle for us. Your work has been exemplar and now you´re very near to perfection: To overcome the original U7 itself there where it could be possible and to match it where it couldn´t, while making it to run in all modern OSs bug-free.

It could be a good idea to start thinking about some improvements like a (much) better U7-like combat mode and stealing or exact NPCs schedules for the 1.1x. One question: Will you implement the 1.1x improvements to the "official" version in the future?

By the way: The old friends´ return (Dancer, Jameson) to #Exult channel due to 1.00 release has been wonderful too. I´d like to see them collaborating again in this project (although I wouldn´t like to see them enslaved to it forever [;-))...)

Thanks to all of you guys!!! And sorry for my excess of writting and my neverending reports and complains about bugs here and there... Exult!! [:-D)[/center]

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 5:24 am
by wjp
> One question: Will you implement the 1.1x improvements to the "official" version in the future?

Yes, since 1.1.x will become the next 'official' version.

Re: Exult 1.0 has been released !!!

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 12:11 pm
by dagon