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Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:02 am
by Lord G
You guys sure are slow.
Ultima 7 took 2 years to make but you guys have taken 4 years to release Version 1 of Exult.In that time I could have made Ultima9 with its original plot and even UO3.

$LBSlowness = True (discovered in Exult ver1.00)

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:06 am
by Colourless
If you think you *could* do better, then why don't you?

Quit complaining, we did this for free. It's not like you are paying Exult.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:12 am
by Dominus
Are you seriously asking this?
If not I have a good laugh and please ignore the following:
No one of the Exult team gets paid for working on Exult. Everyone of us has other interests, real life and a job to attend to. We all live miles away from each other (except Willem and Fingolfin at the moment who, by coincidence live in the same city right now).
And the most important reason: Unlike the U7 developers who knew everything about the scripting language (Usecode) that got used we had to painfully find out how it was "compiled" and then how it worked.
For all that I'm actually proud that we made it so fast.
Always remember the original team worked for Origin full time and I guess they spent at least 40 hours per week (and this low number is highly uinlikely in game development) on coding the game...

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:12 am
by MV
Must resist pointing out the bleeding obvious to troll......

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 5:56 am
by SB-X
Lord G-string, you've been following the project long enough to know as well as anyone that Exult was "finished" with its original goals long ago. This 1 just another number. Exult is much improved over the original U7, and I suspect it will continue to be improved in the future.

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 7:32 am
by Grimlock Dragon
"Of course you know, this means" flame-bait.

And the Original BG and SI teams spent upwards of 70 hours a week full time to code the games. It was their job, while Exult is these creators' hobby. Exult is probably one the most creative expressions to revive not one, but two old games. Other people try to emulate an old game's PC environment. Exult recreates the entire game while utilizing the original files.

Don't worry about this poster guys. There will always be someone who trys to rain on a good parade. If he returns, ask him what games he has coded.

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 7:49 am
by Darke
Ahh! I see where your calculations are wrong! You forgot to note that we also
support SI (and SS, along with FOV), which appears to have been released about
18-24 months after U7. So logically, we went from nothing to v1.0 on a part-time
basis, in the same time it took the original U7 team to go from nothing to full
release on a full time basis. Rather impressive, IMO. *grin*

So... any game companies noting our superb performance and looking to hire
a team of experienced game developers?

(Always eager to be paid money to do what he does for free. *grin*)

how sick

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:00 am
by Dino3
>>In that time I could have made Ultima9 with its original plot and even UO3.

Yeah, and in that time I could've built a spaceship with my own hands. *yawn* Give us a break!

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:23 am
by Morg
Ahhh come on guys don't be so mean. Just thank him for voluntering and if he isn't done if four years then break his thumbs.

Failure = Broken Thumbs

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 3:28 am
by Zosite
"""Dear""" Lord G:

I´ve just returned to this phorum after a few days... and I´ve said your post which has filled me with hope. What the hell are you waiting for to release Exult 50.00 bug-free?!! I´d be grateful to see it! Oh! Some Ultima X would be cool as well. And I want to see these within a year and Open Sourced...

Well, it´s always good to meet such a holier-than-everybody-coding person who´s impatient for collaborating (how collaborating?!; making it himself) on this project...

Now, Lord G, you should code FAST...


-Such abuse of sarcasm will be used in the future to attend posts like Lord G´s one. I could even improve it with no costs at all-

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 4:27 am
by Shamino96
THis kind of stuff happends all the time over on uostratics- SnR forums. Im accustumed to it.

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 7:42 am
by MrPaul
"You guys sure are slow."

Ahh, this must be some strange usage of the word 'slow' that I was previously unware of. Honestly, you guys (Exult Team) did a great job!

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 9:08 am
by sslaxx
Mmmm... I wonder if he even has a copy of U7, let along a legit one. Doubtful!

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 9:59 am
by Memory Dragon
Well just to take the heat out of the thread. I am a programmer myself and I know what glorious job Jeff and the other did on Exult. Knowing that you bascially had to reverse engineer an entire language or even a VM system ( I expect the usecode compiles into a VM) doing a full blown game engine on top of that and even having to find out about all the data files format about yourself, I doubt Origin with it´s high budget and lots of programmers who worked on the original U7 could have done that in that time.

As for the original poster, you don´t know how tedious the whole reverse engineering process on a binary level is, basically you stand in front of sheer numbers and try to guess the whole thing works and trying the brute force way to get a response. Its completely different to having a nice spec and then doing an implementation on top of it. I personally don´t think I could have done it, maybe I could, but it would have taken me a decade maybe.

If you don´t have any clue about programming, what I assume the original poster troll had, than I would give him this advice, doing that is like crying into a room full of persons with a different language and hoping for a response so that in the end you can figure out how the lanugage works.

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 11:40 am
by Matthew Boast
Very well said Memory Dragon! It's a pity that people come steaming in and make remarks without thinking of the logic of what they are saying, probably the sort of person that gets a buzz from seeing the replies they get from posting shite.
Time to play Exult cos it's raining hard outside! (Either that or do the washing up before my wife gets home!)

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 10:33 pm
by Lord-G
OK, I was just fooling around, I did not mean what I said. Just trying to add some humour to this forum since it has been awhile since anything funny was posted.(I do own legit copies of ALL the Ultimas including uw1&2 and wou1&2)

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 12:03 pm
by Dominus
lord-g: as always one should remember to leave at least a little indication that it was a joke. A smiley perhaps.

Re: Why sooooo long!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 2:40 pm
by ToasterThief2
I think Exult is one of the greatest projects ever done for the Gaming world.

greatest project...

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 11:39 am
by Dino3
As I said in another thread, I like Exult particularly because it showed results.

Not only did it allow us to play an Ultima, but even in its original form!