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SI FIXES: Simon is not asking me the key of the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:24 am
by lazar0

purchasing the room to Simon in Sleeping Soldier inn, I can go out of the inn and he don't asks for returning the key.

Does it happens to someone else?


Re: SI FIXES: Simon is not asking me the key of the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:58 am
by lazar0
Ok, more testing. As far as I've seen, when you talk to Simon (human) and you ask for a room, it gives you a Green key. It opens the middle door of the bedroom.

Apart of it, if you kill him (inmediatly, before asking a bedroom, and you can test it beginning a new game), he gives to you the Brown key, which ALSO opens the same middle door of the bedroom.

Maybe the checks in SI FIXES for exiting the inn are checking the Brown one and not the Green one? Could it be?

Also, there is no reference to Sleeping Soldier in this var:

var inn_names = ["Blue Boar Inn",
"Broken Oar Inn", "Broken Oar Inn", "Broken Oar Inn",
"Sleeping Bull Inn", "Sleeping Bull Inn",
"Sleeping Bull Inn", "Sleeping Bull Inn",
"Blue Boar Inn"];

I asume it should say in the first ítem "Blue Boar Inn" -> "Sleeping Soldier Inn".

Re: SI FIXES: Simon is not asking me the key of the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:33 pm
by Dominus
works for me. Are you using the latest snapshot of both Exult and the mod from *our* download page?

(and yes, it seems the var should be sleeping soldier and not blue boar... works for me anyway)

Edit: from your other post I deduce you might be playing without the SI Fixes intigame.dat. Please don't :)

Re: SI FIXES: Simon is not asking me the key of the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:13 pm
by Dominus
Fixed the inn_names variable in the source, thanks for stumbling over that :)
It only affects how the Innkeeper labels his Inn on saying farewell.

Re: SI FIXES: Simon is not asking me the key of the Inn

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:35 pm
by lazar0
Your Welcome.

Yes, I know it is a triviality, but well, the "Slepping Soldier Inn", is the "Sleeping Soldier Inn"... xDD

Ok, I've tested the issue with initgame.dat (I will not replay in the other post).

I have extracted the contents, changed hexediting npc.dat (with the 3 values Leon, Simon, G_Simon), for the ones I want to translate (León, Simón, G_Simón), and tested it.

It works flawlessly now. Simon stops the Avatar and "Simon" now is "Simón" in Spanish.

Thanks a lot for your answer. Your help is very much appreciated.

My intention was to translate SI FIXES into Spanish and adapt it to the spanish translation I did for SI + SS. So, I had been using initgame.dat and combos.flx in my first -again- run (translated), and I had observed this issue and I didn't know where was the problem. Now I know it. :)

Best regards,

PD: I don't want to open more posts... but I've seen in the latest build (1.5.0svn) that some objects (like books, or dead corpses) have problems overlapping, is this correct? I have an screenshot with a book overlaping Simon:
