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Just Curious

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 7:56 am
by Grimlock Dragon
Howdy All,

I was wondering what elements of Exult are currently being worked on as far as U7 and SI are concerned. I believe that there was mention of attempting to get various elements of OGL up and running... then of course there was the recent update of the fighting mechanism... As I said just curious :0)

Re: Just Curious

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 8:05 am
by Dominus
As sad as it seems, currently nothing is getting worked on. Jeff is too busy in his new job and the others are too busy with other stuff. Your "friendly" FAQ-writer is too busy moving someplace else and going into holidays to update the docs/faq...

But: Jeff said, the next thing to do is mostly bug-fixing (look at the bug list and you will see that it is necessary). And then maybe get the OpenGl rendering to work properly.

Re: Just Curious

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 8:11 am
by Dominus
And just to be on the safe side:
Exult is NOT abandoned :-)

Re: Just Curious

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 12:14 pm
by drcode
Things I'd like to do:

Fix bugs (or at least pare down the list).
Clean up combat a bit more (although it's already improved a bit in 1.1x).
More work on the OpenGL renderer, perhaps adding more realistic lighting.
More cleanup of ExultStudio and the script compiler so they're easier to use.

More ambitious things (which aren't as likely to get done:-):

An "ExultDirector" tool to graphically create and view scripts like the Fawn Trial in SI. It should also help to create conversations.

Create SOME sort of original game with ExultStudio.

Re: Just Curious

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 9:53 am
by Grimlock Dragon
Well, we all have our things that we have to do that get in the way of other projects. Such is life. I'm looking forward to whatever you get done, whenever you get it done.

I had been playing with the idea of adding the original plot from SI into the released SI. No, I don't have any more information than I had when I last posted about it in thread

I would have to write the dialogues myself following the basic framework of the way it was supposed to be. Right now, I really don't have time for that since I'm searching in earnest for a new job. But maybe some day, or if someone else wants to pick it up.

Thanks for the update Dominus, and Dr. Code.