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Ultima IX

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 8:00 am
by Belyaev Dragon
Bought U9 some time ago... Well, my impressions are double-way.
First, it's good: the graphics. Cool. Especially outside. You can say that it's slow, but on P3 600 with Riva TNT 2 and 2 patches (1.18 and 1.19 fan patch from Fans for Ultima ( it RUNS.
The bad side is the story. The script itself is good, but IT isn't Britannia. It's something other. Fortunately, I downloaded Dialogue Patch, and the dialogues were (really) changed and some books were added, so it's cool. (But the speech remains old)
So, I think that it's a good game after all. Better than U8, that's what I can state.
P.S. I have bought it with Russian manuals (but the game is English) and there was a good old song "Stones". Unfortunately, it is translated in Russian, too. So please, can someone give me the original one? An mp3 or a music file with a song (not just music) would be good too.
P.P.S. Thanks Moscow Dragon! I bought it in White Wind store, as you told me (well it was a last copy).

Re: Ultima IX

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 8:22 am
by Stephan
"Stones", a ballad about the shrines
by Iolo FitzOwen
(Lyrics by Gwenllian Gwalch'gaeaf)

Long ago ran the sun on a folk who had a dream
And the heart, and the will, and the power
They moved earth; they carved stone; moulded hill and channeled stream
That we might stand on the wide plains of Wiltshire

Now men asked who they were, how they built and wonder why
That they wrought standing stones of such size
What was done 'neath our shades? What was pray'ed 'neath our skies?
As we stood on the wyrd plains of Wiltshire

Oh what secrets we could tell if you'd listen and be still
Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts
But you haven't got a clue, and perhaps you never will
Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire

Still we loom in the mists as the ages roll away
And we say of our folk, "they are here!"
That they built us and they died, you will not be knowing why
Save we stand on the bare plains of Wiltshire