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How do I set where I unpacked Serpent Isle to?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:58 am
Well, I "unset" Serpent Isle when I realized it forced you to go to the different visual interface for character menues in Ultima VII The Black Gate. Anyways, it's still on my comp. but I can't figure out what I ran to select where I unpacked the games to - I tried running the installer again but it just finishes without asking any questions...

So, uh, yeah... Any help would be appreciated - I have The Black Gate working fine and had Serpent Isle the same way but took changed the path for it (it's still on my comp., I just didn't want it to change the experience for The Black Gate so I gave whatever program that allows you to select the game locations the wrong path for that one on purpose). Either way, here's where the paths are to the two games (I'm running Windows XP):

C:\Exult\ULTIMA7 - That's where The Black Gate is...
C:\Exult\SERPENT - That's where Serpent Isle is...

I know I was able to just choose the folder those were in somehow and I thought it was by rerunning the installer for Exult but, like I said, that's not doing anything. Could someone explain how I'd go about settin' the path to Serpent Isle? If possible could ya' explain how to do-so without much hands-on work (I wouldn't say I'm computer illiterate however I'm not too savvy with editing this and that within programs manually). Once again, thanks for any help...

PS - If I uninstall Exult will it delete the savegames for The Black Gate along with it? Is it necissary to uninstall it to be able to choose the path to the two games again? If that is the case, could I move the save files somewhere else, uninstall it and then overwrite the default "blank" save files?

Re: How do I set where I unpacked Serpent Isle to?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:50 am
by SB-X
If that is the case, could I move the save files somewhere else, uninstall it and then overwrite the default "blank" save files?
Have you tried doing that? There are no blank save files. You should also just be able to uninstall and reinstall Exult without it deleting your savegames.

Unfortunately there is no other way to change the paths again without some "hands-on work" involved.
Read this:

Re: How do I set where I unpacked Serpent Isle to?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:02 pm
by Malignant Manor
If you would have read the documentation in the first place, you could found out that you can disable the SI style paperdolls in BG by just using the cheat menu or editing "exult.cfg".

Re: How do I set where I unpacked Serpent Isle to?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:33 pm
Well that goes back to the whole "I'm not good at editing stuff" most likely...

Either way I'll take a look at that stuff and try to understand that but am I right that when you install Exult it allows you to choose where you have the games on your hard drive? Also, would I be able to just choose it if I uninstall it and reinstall it?

PS - I dun' suppose someone would be able to poste the scripts I need to make based on where I put the two games (I posted where they're located above) so I can copy/paste it into the correct document/file?

Re: How do I set where I unpacked Serpent Isle to?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:26 pm
by marzo
you could found out that you can disable the SI style paperdolls in BG by just using the cheat menu or editing "exult.cfg".
One could also use the gameplay options within the game to change that.