Shape files in BG and SI

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Shape files in BG and SI

Post by CrocketttBoy »

HI! Newbe here. I'm sorry if there is an answer to this question somewhere else. I looked but didn't see anything.

My question is: Is there any way to Use shape files from SI in BG and vice versa?
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Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by drcode »

I'm not sure if I understand what you want to do. Certainly, if you try to copy files from one game into the other, you won't be happy with the result. But BG in Exult will use "paperdolls" from SI if you have it installed.

Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by CrocketttBoy »

Sorry. I'll rephrase my question.

Is there any way to use a character or item from SI in BG using Exult Studio? I know that it is possible to create a new shape, but I don't know how to import the graphics.
Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut
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Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by Green Bamboo Mystery Peanut »

Perhaps you should try ipack? You can download it here with the Exult Tools pack.

With ipack, you can make a .png of the shape you desire (in this case, you'd be ripping it from SI or BG, which you can also do with ipack) and patch it over shapes.vga in the desired spot.

I'm working with this tool now for paperdol.vga (I made a mystical magical tutu just for test purposes) and it seems to work to an extent. The update command (-u) only updates the file until it reaches the shape I'm patching. For example, if I'm patching the tutu over shape #017 in paperdol.vga, it will create paperdol.vga to shape #017 and stop, shortening the file (and paperdol.vga has 0xC7 shapes I think?). Dunno whether if this is a bug or if I just royally messed it up (very likely). I'm wondering if this has to do with filesize or whatnot, so I'll be doing some more tweaking soon.

But you should still give it a whirl, you might have better luck than I.

I hope I helped you at least somewhat.

(P.S: The tutu looks wonderful.)
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Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by drcode »

That does sound like a bug in ipack, and I'll try to fix it tonight.

You can also export and import individual shapes in ExultStudio, although that could be tedious if you're doing a lot of them.

Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by CrocketttBoy »

Thanks so much for your help. It answeres my question. Now for some more tinkering...
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Re: Shape files in BG and SI

Post by drcode »

Okay, "ipack -u" is fixed. Kind of embarrassing, but I don't think anybody (including the coder) had tried it before.