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Cheatting play..

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:45 pm
by minnosid
Why someone creat`n ULTIMAte game over... @00@?
Avatar had the knight test, entered by door hack moved
Dupre blew by keg of explosion... without body his gone forever... there no arresting Dupre... @00@
I had map telepot, coppied 9 black swords... Rudiam`s wands... magicbooks... dropped somewhere and then to mount of freedom couldn`t kill mage...
I collected gold bars in texmint, ship.. and... snow snake castle weight was 30... forgotten Filbercio payed to pikeman... for Hawk nothing different...
I picked up blackswowd in Blue bore inn... spoken Arcadian yes, he laughed he mustbe mushroom something head explod`n dead hahahaha... but I`m not lie`n he is alive... look`n at avatar...

Exult 1.5 version don`t do ant cheatting!!!
Moon shade...
Out door stairs at Pothos`s market...
There is hidden door Wall.
If get inside, Magic whip is on the stone alter
And go threw another Wall north side
Locked room door openning with... Pothos market key
Was there Pothos teleoport platform?
That room has another teleport platform to body to another place,
Like the foot ball ground road appearing...
Has some frosen enemy, tuch down victory?
One have some magic eqipmints...
That room has another teleport platform can`t body to get another place ...@00@,

WHERE ARE MY FRENDS? Avatar blew keg to frends
WHAT`S THIS NOISE? Avatar caged outomation into Pothos shop item room...
I WANNA GET SLEEP! Avatar took bloodritual...
VIRTUES WILT THINE YOUR HEAD! Avatar grabbed Boydon`s head...
STEP ASIDE! Avatar set ceramic cemitery URN...
HE`S DEAD! Avatar took item from the body...
SQUARK! Avatar hitted perrot`s pirate head with jugement hammer...

I`m not final devil like U
Money goes only money... pass word & password, negative negativekillkillkillkill...
Keykeyekykey... Stefanno`s sniper father`s house green key on desk... Frigidazzy`s room blue key... Torrecio`s house yellow key on fireplace... Fawn found guard trinning tower`s north east room red key.... Pomdrigan`s room key in box Sleeping bull`s key inside south hollow tree

Re: Cheatting play..

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:05 am
by nadir
That silver serpent venom works wonders :)

Re: Cheatting play..

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 9:03 am
by Gotcha!
My definition of 'wonders' is a bit different. :P
I'll definitely not have what he's having.