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Post by bobthecowboy »

Would it be possible to implement an auto-save feature? It looks like this was mentioned a while back... something that saves at certain key points and / or something that saves every X hours/minutes would be nice...

optional of course, for those crazy (!) people that run Exult on a PDA

Loving Exult, bless your little programming hearts!

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Re: auto-save?

Post by drcode »

Last time I played a game with auto-save was Wasteland (about a year ago). It auto-saved right after all my companions died:-(

Actually, this wouldn't be that bad a feature, but it would have to be a little smarter.
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Re: auto-save?

Post by artaxerxes »

and why not an auto-play option? ;-)

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Re: auto-save?

Post by Dominus »

don't we have that as a feature request already? Or we only talked about it some time ago.
The idea was not to save in set time periods but to save when certain flags get set and make a unique savegame and not just a quicksave.
Of course we would have to make certain we don't save in the middle of an "auto-sequence" and similar.
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Re: auto-save?

Post by drcode »

That (saving upon certain flag changes) would be a cool feature.

And actually, auto-play would too:-) Currently, we have no way to do regression testing after making a code change, and auto-play, with a method of comparing and printing game states, would make that possible.

Re: auto-save?

Post by WishStone »

About that Auto-play feature.... *grins*
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Re: auto-save?

Post by artaxerxes »

that's what I call a real brainstorming, budess! ;-)

Throw any kind of weird ideas with no restrictions or self-censure and you can come up with some real good stuff... (not that it was done on purpose) ;-)
