alright, so, I'm playing this game using Exult (duh).
I'm not sure if I'm doing something seriously wrong but... here we go.
I bought Ultima 7 off GOG. It did come with everything required for the game, like answers to the copy protection questions and such, a manual, codes for the map, etc.
I didn't realize that after I got to this point though. so, obviously, I got the first time wrong since I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do, then I decided to look around the game files and I found the answers txt file there.
But, even with everything correct!... I can't progress. the mayor says he doesn't trust me enough for the password or something.
In case you're curious, he asked for these: longitude for Skara Brae, latitude for Dagger Isle, and longitude for the island Terfin. All of which I answer correctly, confirmed by the txt file.
I'm not sure what to do now. please help :/
stuck in Trinsic (copy protection)
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Re: stuck in Trinsic (copy protection)
but what were your answers to these questions? That is the most important thing 
Anyways you must have confused one or two answers or made an error when you entered them with the slider.

Anyways you must have confused one or two answers or made an error when you entered them with the slider.
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
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Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
Read the Rules!
We do not support Piracy/Abandonware/Warez!
Re: stuck in Trinsic (copy protection)
Oh my god you're right
for some reason i didn't realize the skara brae had questions for BOTH longitude and latitude so it really confused me >_> I was reading the latitude part, not realizing there was a longitude version
so yeah, kiddos, don't forget to read carefully through the answer sheets :p
I really thought it was a bug, turns out I'm just blind xD anyway, I'm actually really embarrassed right now, can this topic be locked please?
for some reason i didn't realize the skara brae had questions for BOTH longitude and latitude so it really confused me >_> I was reading the latitude part, not realizing there was a longitude version
so yeah, kiddos, don't forget to read carefully through the answer sheets :p
I really thought it was a bug, turns out I'm just blind xD anyway, I'm actually really embarrassed right now, can this topic be locked please?
Re: stuck in Trinsic (copy protection)
Meh. I have made that mistake many times. Understandable.
Re: stuck in Trinsic (copy protection)
When I first played, when the game was originally released, I completely missed that the number was on both sides of the lines on the map, and was just entering 3, 6, 9 etc. I was rather embarrassed when I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.