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Make Combat Great Again! (or mediocre??)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:08 pm
by agentorangeguy
Doing some playthroughs and testing, there are a lot of issues I wish could be fixed in Exult's combat system.

I know the original wasn't great, but maybe it could be improved a tad with Exult. Some issues I've noticed recently:

-Monster AI seems to always swarm the Avatar rather than focus on other targets. Much of my fights ends with the Avatar laying on the ground unconscious like a pansy while the others fight. Speaking of monster AI, is there any documentation about what the various "base attack modes" c mean when you edit a shape in ES under the monster tab? (Unpredictable, non combatant, tactician, berzerker, opportunist) and so on.

- party members stand around unconscious enemies rather than finish the job. They wait until the enemy gets up before they'll kill it. If they don't finish it off and it goes unconscious again, they wait.

-make improvements to combat strategies: target strongest, weakest, flank, random... do they work?

Combat needs a lot of love, surely it can be made more efficient?

Re: Make Combat Great Again! (or mediocre??)

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:51 pm
by drcode
I've noticed the second item a lot in recent playing, and plan on fixing it when I get some time.

Re: Make Combat Great Again! (or mediocre??)

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:01 am
by Dominus
I think they are doing fine by showing mercy and only kill when the beaten down attacks again ;)

Re: Make Combat Great Again! (or mediocre??)

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:27 am
by Gotcha!
Although I agree with Dominus, at some point the party should say:

Begone with the virtues! Every time we allow an enemy to live and rethink their life choices, they attack us anyway! From here on out, no mercy!

Re: Make Combat Great Again! (or mediocre??)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 12:41 pm
by agentorangeguy
No mercy!! Sweep the leg!!

Maybe certain combat types should go in for the kill when they're down, attack weakest, berzerk maybe?