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Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:01 am
by Sir Duddley Dupres
In the original game SI you can't heal Cantra like Qwenno.
Only if you set flag to XXXXX then she is healed
This topic came because in the sourcecode it's said that Cantra's mother says "Thank you for healing my daughter"
Is this in Exult the same or can you heal or will it give this feature?

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:29 pm
by PanSola
someone will have to do an expansion/patch to the game to use it.

There are tons of un-used dialogue in the usecode of SI, giving us a glimpse as to how much stuff were cut out from the game as it was rushed out of the door )-:

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:24 pm
by drcode
There's a bit of usecode in our source directory (I think under content/si) that lets you cure here, provided you compile it to 'usecode' and store it in your 'patch' directory.

Maybe we should add this to our installation.

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 8:04 am
by Achile


and the assasination of Captain Hawk too.

When you go to the blue board and you see Hawk in Cat state and you talk to him (after the holocaust) (be sure to delete his egg) well it give you his blue key to his chest and fall dead

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:07 am
by The Viking
DrCode: "There's a bit of usecode in our source directory (I think under content/si) that lets you cure here, provided you compile it to 'usecode' and store it in your 'patch' directory.

Maybe we should add this to our installation."

Definately ;-)

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:51 pm
by Daemongar
I'd play it again just to see that ;) That would be super!

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:02 pm
by gruck
Actually...I mean it'd be REALLY slick if somehow you folks thought of a way of fixing all of the messed up usecode that people have made solutions for and that Exult ran that usecode instead of the original that had errors. Could fix bugs like liquour, Dupré in BG french, curing Cantra, the amulet...

But I guess that'd be kind of quasi-legal (though probably no more quasi then some of the things the Exult team already does:) )

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:08 pm
by gruck
Like offering the music from BG and SI for download :)

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:51 am
by Bomb Bloke
That just makes up for Origin never releasing that album...

Argh! Cantra! In the original, I trekked off and got a bucket of temple water for her. It did nothing. So I got another bucket from each temple, which took me a fair while, and it STILL did nothing! I was most annoyed. I thought it odd that they left that detail out.

I was starting to think that that was Cantra's true state... ;)

A loading script might be in order. Say Exult ran a script each time it started up, which added new items to the game world, and moved old ones. Eggs, for example. Pity it would be so complex to apply to the flags... Bah, I dunno.

Maybe I should read through the source of Exult and see if I could add a proto-type loader script.

Speaking of which, how often is it that you Exult programmers get new team members/other people add to the code?

Re: Cantra Healing

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:37 am
by Dominus
Implementing the usecode script should not be too dificult, as we already support this through our "patch system" for Exult Studio (see the Studio documentation).

Nowadays there are not many new people adding to the code. And new members are even more rare. AFAIK Artaxerxes was the last one to join and he did all the porting to the Zaurus.
Mostly people submit patches to the source and "we" look through them and add them if they make sense to our programming guys (all other team members than me :-))