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No Linux documentation

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:28 pm
by newbie4ever
The Linux documentation for exult is lacking. Please fix this, I just downloaded the mandrake rpm and installed and now I have no idea where to find it.

Re: No Linux documentation

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:29 pm
by Dominus
obviously you can access the net and look at the documentation online. We don't have a man-file with exult, but there is the FAQ and ReadMe for sure with the rpm, and I think the html version comes with the rpm as well.

Re: No Linux documentation

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:56 pm
by wjp
There's a Mandrake rpm for Exult? Where did you find it?

The official Fedora rpm for exult adds a menu item for Exult in the Games menu in Gnome and KDE.

Re: No Linux documentation

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:04 am
by artaxerxes
and, there is a man page for exult.
$ man exult
exult(6) exult(6)

exult - an engine for running Ultima VII

exult [options]

Exult is an engine built for running Ultima VII. It started its life as
a map-browser for Ultima VII and has evolved from there, thanks to the
open source-model and contributions of time and code from many people.

You cannot use Exult without game data files. At present, the only fin-
ished games are Origin's Ultima VII: The Black Gate and Ultima VII,
Part 2: The Serpent Isle. In any case, both Ultima VII's are some of
the best computer Role-Playing-Games made to date. Check your local
computer dealer's bargain bin or an online auction site. Ultima VII can
still be purchased for only a few dollars. Run out and buy it!

There is a world editor available to create your own games: Exult Stu-
dio. Check the exult homepage (URL below) for more information.

-h, --help
Show the available command-line options

-v, --version
Display (detailed) Exult version information

-c configfile
Specify an alternate configuration file to load

--bg Skip the main Exult menu and run Black Gate

--si Skip the main Exult menu and run Serpent Isle

Skip the game menu for BG/SI

--buildmap type
Create a fullsize map of the current gameworld. If type = 0,
paint all roofs. If type = 0, skip second-floor roofs. If type =
2, don't paint any roofs. You also need to specify --bg or --si.

Skip the CRC check of the .flx datafiles. Only use this if you
modified them yourself without recompiling exult

See the README supplied with exult for information on this (Note: you
NEED this configuration file to set up and run the game).

For more help and information with exult go to:

Ultima itself remains the property of Origin Systems, Inc. Ultima VII
(The Black Gate) is copyright Origin Systems, Inc. Ultima VII (The Ser-
pent Isle) is copyright Origin Systems, Inc. The Exult Team is in no
way affiliated with Origin Systems, Inc., Electronic Arts, and those
companies probably neither know nor care about Exult. Don't go bugging
them if you have problems. Bug the Exult Team instead.

There are always bugs. Please report them at:
(be sure to mention information about your operating system, and
which version of exult you are running)

The Exult Team

July 22, 2003 exult(6)

Re: No Linux documentation

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:36 am
by nadir
The documentation that comes with Exult is fairly extensive (thanks Dominus!!!): you should really get in touch with whoever packaged the RPM for Mandrake and ask how it was packaged.
Aren't docs supposed to go in /usr/share/doc/exult ?
