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Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:21 am
by BH4
I'm just curious, really. What do you think is the greatest secret in U7 (Either part.) That you've ever found?

Personally, ... I would bet that it was the Wing Commander reference in BG with the Kilrathi ship. (I think it was a Strakha, the extremely weak ship capable of Cloaking.) You double click on it, and the Kilrathi Cinematic them Plays. :-D .. Oh, how I miss that. ^_^;

There is also the Blacksmith secret. I know it's by far common knowledge, but I like how they made it so very ... real, y'know? There's a lot to do in there.

There's also the secret in FoV where you find the lever behind the Stone of Cassambre, (Whatever. >__< Yeah. Kinda crazy. You can either "F3" There via the cheat menu, or you can go to Stefano's house (The intra-forest one, with the wolf in a cage in the house.) There's a stump out there near the entrance to his house. Climb up there somehow, (Stack a crate or rock or something.) and walk around on top of the stump. You're teleported to a very, very small island somewhere off the coast, with a teleporter back, a magic axe, and a chest of about 200 Guilders, which happens to be locked. (Maybe Stefano's house has the key? *shrugs* .. But best of all, ... walk along the northeast coast of that tiny, tiny island. It's kinda hard to find, but you'll find yourself walking on a TIIIINY path on the water. Follow that up as far as it goes, and you'll find yourself reaching a hidden cave. Go through there, and you'll find yourself in ... well.. I'm sure you all know. ;-D It's a pretty darn awesome secret. I'm not sure where the key to the armory is though. Tiny chance it's the one on Stefano's Mantle in his home in Moonshade, but who knows. -_-;

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:23 am
by Gradilla Dragon
The Kirlathi ship is no secret at all. You don't even have to find it. It is almost thrown in your face, and you hear about it from the farmers.

A secret is something no character in the game ever tells you about.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:24 am
by Gradilla Dragon
No character nor book, rather.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:12 pm
by BH4
Y'think I didn't know that? :-P (You didn't answer the question either. Heh.) I just consider both secrets and Easter eggs something to fancy over. Some might consider it "secret" knowledge of other games. ;)

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:52 pm
by Gradilla Dragon
Well, lets call secrets "secrets" and easter eggs "easter eggs" then. Don't mix them up. They are in no way the same thing. Easter eggs can be secret as well, but that doesn't mean all easter eggs count as secrets.

The best easter egg I find in BG is Lord British's will. And the best secret (which is also an easter egg) I find in BG is the dead man trapped in a cave with no way out. He even has a note for the one that finds him, to tell his wife Mythra about his death. I think the only way to get there is by cheating, I am not sure.

As for SI, the best easter egg I find is the one about the software pirate. That one was hilarious. As for secrets, I can't remember any.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:54 pm
by Mythran
Another funny "secret" is using the Armageddon spell, and talking to Batlin and Lord British

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:57 pm
by Mythran
In SI in the "Cat isle (island in the middle of the map)" the Dallas cheerleaders pictures but can only be reach by cheating

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:42 pm
by Paulon
It's accessible via a hidden raised teleporter in Monitor.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:58 pm
by Gradilla Dragon
And the cheerleaders from a teleporter under the stairs to Pothos' house in Moonshade. You don't need to cheat to get there, you can normally open the secret door under the stairs and enter.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:51 pm
by The Viking
"There is also the Blacksmith secret."

Which is this? The Cheat Room? Or is there another secret there?

I guess one thing that'd have to count as a secret is the Magebane sword? To my knowledge you never learn about that anywhere?

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:42 am
by Mythran
Blacksmith secret (Serpent Hold)

Key in fish in kitchen

That key opens a chest in a cave in the same island, (Use boat), the key can open the door to all the magic weapons in the serpents hold blacksmith

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:49 am
by Mythran
Megabane can also be found in the swamp near minoc, can be reach with the magic carpet or putting logs to creat a bridge, when you touch the megabane a lot of skeletons appear but can be easily dispach

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:46 am
by BH4
The best easter egg I find in BG is Lord British's will. And the best secret (which is also an easter egg) I find in BG is the dead man trapped in a cave with no way out. He even has a note for the one that finds him, to tell his wife Mythra about his death. I think the only way to get there is by cheating, I am not sure.
That was kinda funny. They phrased it very seriously though. .. And where exactly in BG is this guy stuck in a cave? .. Where is this cave?

Oh, and I just remembered where the key is to the "armory" (Or Weapons cache, whatever.) in SI, in the Mad Mage Mountains. Go to Gorlab Swamp, and enter the abandoned tower that you find. There should be a series of walkways in it. Cross them to the west, until you come upon a beautiful glade with a healing fountain in the center, surrounded by an oval of trees. Take a sip from the fountain for good measure, and walk behind the stairs there. There's a key in back of the barrels, or underneath the staircase you used to reach the place. I think that that key unlocks that door.

Additionally, I checked for the teleporter that leads to Cat Isle. It is possible to get there, you just have to do it absolutely perfectly. The teleporter itself is nothing more than an "egg," and it's also hidden behind an orange tree. The tree in question is in Monitor, .. I believe... somewhere a little bit south of the west door of the mayor's house. (Or the mayor equivalent's house. You'll have to build a staircase, either 3 or 4 in height, to reach the darn thing. Plus, you WILL have to try it quite a few times in different positions behind the tree since you obviously can't see the darn egg. You can try hack-moving it away, and turning egg-view mode on. ... But even then, you'll have to judge the distance between the egg and the ground yourself. ... er... I wish you luck! ^_^

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:32 am
by wjp
> .. And where exactly in BG is this guy stuck in a cave? .. Where is this cave?

0x0871, 0x031c.

Teleporter to that room is at 0x0837, 0x02e8.

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:12 pm
by BH4
Hm. And for those of us coordinationally illiterate? (Thank you for clarifying.)

Re: Greatest Secret?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:07 pm
by Gradilla Dragon
For those coordinationally illiterate, enter the cheat menu with F2 and check the coordinates in hex. It's impossible to pinpoint the location of the teleporter nor the dead man without giving coordinates, as there is no marker there, the teleporter is invisible, and the room with the dead man has no exits.

The best directions I could give you without employing coordinates is: Inside a cave in the desert north of Vesper (No, not the mine, but another further north).