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Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:30 am
by BH4
I was comparing the Hack Mover ability from the original's and Exults, and I noticed that Exult's is actually more limiting than the originals.

In Exult, you can't hack move things that you can't reach. I mean.. Like.. Hack Mover in Exult, just basically makes the Avatar Super-Strong. He still is a bit confined by the laws of physics and such. He can't alter things he can't reach, he can't move pieces of the terrain, (Aside from certain walls.) ... Yeah.

In the original, you could do almost anything aside from moving chunks. It was pretty darn cool. :-P

... What's the deal? :-/ I mean, it's certainly nothing major, .. but.. it just feels limiting.

Re: Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:40 am
by Dominus
strange, I'm pretty sure you can move things the avatar can't reach. Right away, I could move trees, walls, flag pols, roof-parts, NPCs even a couple of screens away.
Theonly thing he doesn't move is chunks and the first couple of "texturizing" shapes of chunks (earth, grass). And those don't really make sense anyway (and I'm not even sure you could do that with the original).
We are viewing the hackmover just as that: a hack mover, quick and dirty. For advanced map-editing we have the map editing mode with Exult Studio.

Re: Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:18 pm
by Bomb Bloke
You couldn't move chunks in the original.

I only found normal moving to be a little more limiting then in the original, however, the extra freedom only allowed exploitation so that's probably a good thing.

Re: Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:28 am
by BH4
The "exploitation" also allowed you to build houses to some degree. :-/

Re: Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:51 am
by Daemongar
I think it's a moot point though - you can use Exult Studio to build houses and add whatever you need - and it's a lot stronger than hack mover with the ability to create eggs and whatnot. After 10 minutes of farting around, I successfully joined all the major land masses of Serpent Isle and played "Hail Britannia" everytime I crossed a landmass - and I am not a programmer.

But for in game "let's get this dang door out of my way, I want that hoe!" purposes, I can see how hackmover would come in handy, and any changes would cause problems...

Re: Hack Mover - Different?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:39 am
by Gradilla Dragon
Heh, drag the door away? You can drag yourself inside with Hack Mover!!

Something I miss from the original Hack Mover is the ability to put things inside a container even if they don't fit. That way you can overload your backpack :P