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Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:22 am
by BH4
(SI) You know what's a shame? Fedabiblio has this awesome toupee in Vasculio's crypt. ... How awesome would that thing be? :- Þ To have a magic toupee. Very .. funky. Heh. It's a shame they didn't build on it more. I don't think he gives you a response if you have it in your inventory. (As he's probably dead at that point. -_-; )

It's also a shame that there aren't all that many sources of identification for quite a few things within the game(s). For example:

1) (SI) Just a bit North of monitor, there's this two story ophidian house. It's probably the most "ruined" set of ruins I've ever seen in my life. There's more rubble both in and around it than building. I wonder what it used to be. And to actually place that much rubble is a pain, I'll bet. Why go to all the trouble to making it so "detailed," as well as adding the tiny "second floor," (Consisting of only the staircase, made out of bricks.) if you aren't even going to expand on it?

(Unless I'm missing something.)

2) (SI) There is an odd church somewhat southwest of Fawn. Just follow the dirt path, and you'll reach a large series of dead trees, dirt, and rubble, with a dead giant with a dead child, with some magical substances (reagents, a wand, some coins, I think..) and the church itself is a large open walled area, with this towering red lighted wall, that you can walk through to teleport yourself into the middle of a lake of fire, more or less, with a series of (waking) wingless gargoyles who all attack you. The room there is filled with skeletons (non-living.) of various sorts, including bear and what may be dragon, (Though I doubt that.) with a certain amount of Gargish jewelery. ... Darn it, why doesn't this thing have an explanation? o_O

(Unless I'm missing something.)

3) (SI) On Monk Isle, in the underground, there is a "central area" with a portcullis and such. Who are those corpses underneath there, and why do they have such great stuff, including the key to... Yes, where DOES that key fit? O_o It's probably to something nearby.

(Unless I'm missing something.)

4) (SI) Moonshade: Lower East Corner: There is an odd house here, seemingly decimated. Garbage all over, (Which harms you if you step on it.) There's a tentacle in the water near a fishing pole. Okay, I guess this time, you can guess what happened. :-P *heh heh*

5) (BG) On the island to the west of BucDen, there is an abandoned shack. The only thing useful there are two gold nuggets.

6) (SI) On the mainland, there are all sorts of funky, funky things. One of which includes a manor to the east of the entrance of the mainland entrance of Furnace and south of the ophidian sheep glade. There is nothing good inside this manor, other than what you find on the bodies of the trolls. Why is this manor here? Who used to inhabit it? It's probably the most destroyed yet recent place in that general area. Freaky.

7) (SI) A bit to the northeast of that, or maybe just north, there is a clearly unfinished house. Although there is a diary there, I wonder who (Which in-game character.) it would have belonged to.

8) (SI) In the forest to the east, I believe, of the entrance to the Goblin tunnels north of Knights Test, there is a house where everybody is dead, (It was a reasonably nice house too.) and animals are attacking you for no good reason. I have reason to believe that this is Edwin's (The ex-parrot's) house. But again, I'm really not sure.

(NOTE: At this point, if you're wondering what that "House of Wares" place is to its southwest, I think, .. that area is clearly explained, more or less. It isn't that much of a mystery. Inquire if you're curious.)

9) (SI) On Northern Moonshade, I believe, there is a dark/black ritual sacrifice area, with a few spiders and their webs. There is a spider insignia here, along with a (virgin?) sacrifice, already slaughtered. I believe she had a poisoned dagger. (Makes sense, as it's probably INSIDE of her.) This area is pretty much unexplained, I suppose.

(BY THE WAY! Underneath the black surface, there is an Infinity Bow. You may have to do some hack-moving though to get at it. )

10 (SI) Somewhere near that, (And I have forgotten if this was north of #9, or #7 on this list. Two different mainlands, if Moonshade is big enough to count as a "main"land.) There is a long series of panels on the floor, (CONSISTING of the floor, actually.) with some junk on them, leading up to a pedestal with either a helm, or a 2-H sword on it. In back of this is a fenced off area with some viking paraphernalia. (Interesting helmet.) There is a stairs far to the north which leads to this area, but you'll have to fight some nagas to reach the fenced off area. No problem there. I wonder what this was for. It's a very odd area. o_o

11) (SI) If you follow the coast northward from the area with the Kings Savior flowers, there is a dead pirate in a purple suit lying on the seashore. (Yes, on the water.) He seems to possess nothing. I wonder what did him off. .... He was probably originally from that landing party far to the south.

12) (SI) There are quite a few caves hidden in the mountains. Such caves are found mostly along the southern sides of the mountains along the South coast (Well, north of there.) of Moonshade, and the southern mountains east and west of the mining camp north of the Serpent Gate north of Gorlab Swamp. They don't really mean all that much, .. but.. I just wonder how/why they got there. No big deal. But they seem like they can have a little plot of their own, kinda like they were hiding an invasion force. The cave in Southern Moonshade holds weapons and some food supplies. One of the caves hides a mongbat as well.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:53 am
by cyberfugue
Doesn't William Shatner have a magic toupee too?

In regards to #3, the key you mentioned should unlock one of the gates leading out. I remember finding keys for all of them at various places but don't remember exactly which one goes where.

In regards to #11, there is also a burning ship just off the coast near the dead 'pirate'. I always assumed the ship was one that was supposed to have been teleported from Fawn during a magic storm. Maybe that was even originally supposed to be the body of Alyssand's fiance?

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:22 pm
by Neutronium Dragon
#1: Don't know where I got this from, but I think that's supposed to be around the spot where the migrants from Britannia initially landed. It may have simply been a location which was never finished in development (you can find quite a few of these if you go ethereal and wander around the map).

#2: That was supposed to foreshadow what you'd find in Furnace: The gargoyles going crazy due to the imbalance.

#3: As I recall, there are three passages leading out: west, south, and east. Two of them need to be unlocked with keys you find in the underground 'tower', and in the swampy area at the end of the eastern tunnel (in a dead tree, I think it was).

#4: Just there for color, or perhaps another undeveloped area.

#5: Ditto.

#6 and #7: The journal more or less explains what's happening here: They were trying to settle into unclaimed land, but didn't count on the proximity of the trolls from the western exit of Furnace.

#8: I also suspect that this was meant to tie in with the polymorphed parrot.

#9: Presumably some of the dark mages/dark monks were involved with this. Too recent to be Vasculio's work (since the body is still whole).

#10: I think that someone from Origin actually mentioned this one a long time back as basically just being there to make the setting seem more exotic.

#11: Yep, the pirate ship (which I don't think you can otherwise reach), and I agree that this is probably intended to be one of the lost ships from Fawn.

#12: I don't think that the caves are significant (beyond their 'Hey, look what I found!' value).

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:01 pm
by Spray
Ooh, speaking of secret areas...

In the Silver Seed, go down into the basement area of DeathWatch Keep. Find the small room with three barrels (one contains some serpent arrows; if you find these, you're in the right place!). The wall behind the barrels is a false wall. Open it and it leads to a locked metal door (the "secret area/odd place" theme plays here, like at the spider shrine in Moonshade and the Knight's Test's illusionary wall passage). I cannot find the key to the door, but hackmover'ing thru it leads into a back room of Aram-Dol's lair!!

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:41 pm
by Thepal
#1 - It's just Ophidian ruins, considering its location maybe a lighthouse or watchtower. Something like that would take seconds to build. It isn't really detailed.

#8 - Look in the child's body. Mandrake root, I believe. It seems likely that he was an untrained mage and killed himself and his family, the reason the Magister gives for bringing magically gifted children to Moonshade.

Most the other stuff (including #1) is just there because it makes sense that there would be ruins and stuff all over the world. There doesn't need to be a special reason for it.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:38 pm
by MV
Ooh, speaking of secret areas...

In the Silver Seed, go down into the basement area of DeathWatch Keep. Find the small room with three barrels (one contains some serpent arrows; if you find these, you're in the right place!). The wall behind the barrels is a false wall. Open it and it leads to a locked metal door (the "secret area/odd place" theme plays here, like at the spider shrine in Moonshade and the Knight's Test's illusionary wall passage). I cannot find the key to the door, but hackmover'ing thru it leads into a back room of Aram-Dol's lair!!
Yes that is cool. I never knew that one. Now we just have to find the legit key for it. :)

I also found something myself today, It's probably known, but in skullcrusher, (I think), where the big double brass doors are that you are never meant to get past, hackmove them and then wander around, (just walk right into the flashing area, it's like a roof). You'll find some stairs down, take them and you find yourself in the middle of the ocean.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:48 pm
by Neutronium Dragon
I remember doing that (hackmoving past the Skullcrusher doors) way back when. I think that there was a unique book back there somewhere too.

Hmm. It might be worth checking some of the 'unfinished areas' and their teleporters. I know that one exited on the land east of Monitor that was otherwise blocked off by the southeastern wall, and it strikes me that one of the teleporters or broken stairways, somewhere, actually dumped you in that little ruined tower on the western coast with the stairs.

There were a few other unfinished areas that you could find that way, too. Some half-built structure with traps way off in the northwest part of the map, and there was a trident-shaped place (otherwise inaccessible, I think) off the southern coast of Moonshade.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:02 pm
by MV
Yea I remember when I first got the game that I wanted to get to that area east of monitor.

But I've just checked it out again with cheats this time, :) , and I found there were a bunch of headless along the coast to fight, (there was no monster spawn egg), and that the teleporter takes you to that ruined tower north of monitor.

It's amazing the amount of unfinished space in the game. There's also that small area in the north of the mountains of cat isle too. Technically the area of serpent isle is smaller than TBG.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:43 pm
by Whyte Tyger Dragon
In regards to the door under Serpent's Fang, I'm not sure if I ever found the key legitly when I first played the game, but I did just happen to stumble upon it with Exult. In the 'bakery' on the main floor of the hold there are two flower pots in a little alcove, and I believe the key is beneath one of them. Now it took me much longer to remember where the button to get down to the Seed was.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:06 pm
by MV
Yes, the key for that door is indeed there. I just checked. :)

Would have been nicer if that lead to the very "back door" of aran dol's treasure room.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 7:29 am
by Francesco
Well I'm sure most of you will already know this.. but anyway...

In U7BG, there's a secret area in Trinsic, you have to reach the roof of the smith building ( use the crates ), here you can enter in the back of the chimney, you'll find tons of magical objects, gold coins, reagents, and there's also a room where you can teleport in most of the areas of the game.

Well.. it's more a cheat area than a secret area..

The funny thing is that you can get rid of the copy protection in this way, I started playing the game when I was 10, I did not speak english and so I was unable to leave Trinsic, I was able to play U7 only thanks to that secret area LOL

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:37 pm
by Colourless
If you don't answer the mayors questions your death will be permanent. If you do answer his questions Elizabeth and Abraham will save you when you die.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:16 pm
by Dominus
I started playing the game when I was 10, I did not speak english and so I was unable to leave Trinsic, I was able to play U7 only thanks to that secret area
I doubt you were able to really play the game then

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:04 am
by Francesco
Well no, I was not able to do the main quest, but after playing the game for a while I learnt few basic words and thanks to them I was able to explore the world and have a basic interaction with npcs ( buy, join and stuff like that ). I liked the game so much that I enjoied playing it even in this way.

Thanks god few years later I learnt english and so I was finally able to play the game in the way it was meant to be played.

Re: Ultima 7 Oddities & Secret Areas: (Discussion)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:38 am
by Dominus