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Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:28 am
by BH4
There are quite a few mysterious keys in the world of BG and SI. A brief list of the more bewildering ones:

1) SI - On Stefano's (Moonshade, non-shack) table in his house, there's a glowing green key. What does it fit? O_o

2) BG - The "X-Marks-The-Spot" treasure chest, where the Guardian says "!drol nagap eht ma I" (You all know what that is. ;-D ) there's a key in the upper right area of the chest. The handle has a glowing red/purple gem on it, extended out a bit. Where does that key fit? O_o

3) BG - On the Isle Of The Avatar, in the non-Codex area, there are quite a few pirate houses. The westernmost of these is a rather nice looking "fortification," with cannons and locked doors and lookouts and everything. The doors here are mostly locked. o_o Where is the key to these? O_o

4) SI - This one I already know, so I'm telling those who don't know it. In the mountains to the west of the Mad Mage mountains, in the odd cheat area with most items in the game, (The non-quest ones, anyway. ... Or not.) there's a locked steel door behind a curtain that leads to a small room with a LOT of very nice weapons and armor. The key to this door is to the west of the south entrance to Gorlab Swamp. Follow the tall towers' planks to the west, into the healing spring area. Walk under the plank where you walk down into this healing spring area, and you'll find they key well hidden in the corner. Look hard, it's there. ;)

5) BG - Kinda near Jhelom, possibly north / northeast / east of the town, there's a small mountain that you can walk inside. Inside, is a cobweb-filled small house, with a bed, a workstation, a dresser, etc. Inside either the desk of the dresser, are at least TWO keys. Where do they fit? O_o

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:20 am
by marzo
2) The "X-Marks-The-Spot" key: opens the chest at Serpent's Hold (1454, 2722, 0); don't know if it opens anything else or if it has another key.

3) The pirate's fortification in the Isle of the Avatar: You can use either, the skeleton key or lockpicks; these doors have no real keys to them.

5) Mountain near Jhelom: I am assuming you mean the place with all ship deeds; but there is only one key there which opens the chest right there...

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:11 pm
by MkM
This doesn't answer to yuor questions, but that last thing reminded me something.

I may be wrong, but was this door in the mount near Jhelom locked? I supposed I had two different keys that fitted this door. Other was small green or yellow and other was big, reminded a little bit of that skull key, mentioned.
Other key just opened the door but couldn't lock and other normally locked and opened.

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:28 pm
by Sissy Knox- not logged in :(
Hello! I'm getting back into SI for the summer :). Unfortunately, I have currently lost my login info, so this will have to do for now.

I like exploring the unknown, and SI is certainly full of mysterious...things. There are plenty of unfinished things here in SI, which is a shame- from what I hear, the pressure was on to get the game out earlier, which led to a great deal of cuts (some of which have been revealed, such as Moonshade).

Anyway, there are lots of empty rooms and such oddities around the map, which I discovered with U7Wizard. Here are some you may or may not have seen- some might be used in the game, but they don't look familiar to me. These aren't exactly keys and doors, but they're sort of along the same lines and might be of interest to you as well. I've probably posted a few of these here before, a while back...o_x

X= 0x992 Y= 0x0A6: It's an empty corridor decorated with some fancy stone cat heads, and two stairwells. The one at the south end goes to an empty section of Claw- nothing in sight but a few bits of wall. If this was a part of Claw, the cat heads make sense, eh?

X= 0xA97 Y= 0x0C7: This is an incredibly exciting room. What's here? You just have to see it for yourself! It's much too interesting to write down!

X= 0x052 Y= 0x057: Directly south and a little west of the dead room is an invisible wedding ring. Odd place for it, don't you think?

X= 0x58B Y= 0x416: Everybody and their dog knows about the "Stairway to Nowhere" in Skullcrusher. However, if you haven't seen's worth at least one try. Here are the unopenable brass doors that take you on a magical mystery tour of the Ne'er S'posed To Be Seen bits of the toppled city. When you first enter, the ceiling goes all wonky. One of the Ophidian corpses in the first room has a rather sad book (is this book available anywhere else in the game? I swear I remember seeing it somewhere else). Other than the corpses, the corridor is mostly empty, until you get to the stairs that take you to an empty blue void.

X= 0x476 Y= 0x271: Also in Skullcrusher is this unfinished tunnel. Oops! A very minor thing, but it freaked me out a little bit (it was getting late...)

X= 0xA67 Y= 0x367: Is this empty Ophidian room anything? It's sort of near some parts of the Ethicality tests. It's pretty much an empty room...

X= 0x948 Y=0x0A8: A telescope in the mountains, with some stairs leading down. The telescope gives you a peek at a burning boat (I also got a scene from Furnace). Down the stairs is a furnished office of some sort. This is a two-story room, so there's another set of stairs which leads to what appears to be a dungeon, with a winch in the corner (it doesn't do anything). And the next set of stairs leads to...the aforementioned kitty corrdior that leads to Claw.

Re: Stefano's key: This, I wondered myself. It has the quality 196. No other door or chest in the game has that particular quality. When I did the search, in fact, *nothing* had that particular quality, save for the key itself...whether that means anything, I haven't the slightest clue.

Wall of Lights flavored odds and ends: Shape 0x1D3 is a green Wall of Lights. Apparently, it's not used in the game, except in the Silver Seed maze, on certain walls (one frame is just a regular wall). I wonder what a psychedelic green wall of lights would be used for? Ooh, maybe there was a removed cut scene where you and Mortegro do some magic mushrooms, or something. Get it? Magic? Har dee har har.

Also, there is a Wall of Lights that "hatches" from an egg in the chessboard room at X= 0x153, Y= 0x747 o_O.

Very insignificant, but I'll mention it- I was looking at the USECODE, and I just glimpsed at Yurel's lines. In one sentence, Yurel is misspelled as "Yearl". However, in the temple of Tolerance basement, the snow leopard NPC is named Yearl (don't ask why I know that). Coincidence? Or is Yearl just a popular name for kitties?

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:50 pm
by cyberfugue
Interesting. I wonder if the snow leopard in the temple of Tolerance basement is intended to be Yurel in the past (before a mutation perhaps?)

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 5:26 am
by Neutronium Dragon
It would be the other way around, since the snow leopard version is in the future. It *could* be a sly little repeat of what was done with the Kilrathi/Trilkhai in Underworld 2, though.

Neutronium Dragon

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:13 am
by Tristan de Inés
> X= 0xA97 Y= 0x0C7: This is an incredibly exciting room. What's here? You just have to see it for yourself! It's much too interesting to write down!

Wow. I'm glad I took the time to actually look this one up. Simply AMAZING!

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:30 am
by SB-X
> X= 0xA97 Y= 0x0C7: This is an incredibly exciting room. What's here? You just have to see it for yourself! It's much too interesting to write down!

Wow. I'm glad I took the time to actually look this one up. Simply AMAZING!
You're both evil. >:)

Re: Mysterious Keys And Doors:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:12 pm
by Gradilla Dragon
X= 0xA97 Y= 0x0C7: This is an incredibly exciting room. What's here? You just have to see it for yourself! It's much too interesting to write down!