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Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:23 am
by Trevor Clim 3

I have read the documentation, the command line options.
Then I have used the --buildmap x command successfully, but Exult generated 144 "small" screenshots instead of one huge.

What is to be done to get one gigantic 1:1 screenshot of Ultima 7 Black Gate?

I have 1024 MB RAM, if this is necessary for this operation.

Thanks for your help! :)

wjp has one

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:35 am
by dino
Pay a visit to wjp's site... you'll find one there.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:11 am
by 1010101
That's a nice map, but it isn't 1:1.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:09 am
by Natreg
lol you shouldn´t try making 1:1 maps of Ultima games... Last time I did something like that was for Ultima VI and that map was really big and also it nearly crashed my computer

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:10 pm
by Trevor Clim 3
I need a 1:1 screenshot of the Black Gate Map, because I would like to make a huge picture (about 1,5 meters x 1,5meters) with a frame. I need as much details as possible - that's why I need 1:1.

This website offers this service of making big pictures out of JPGS, etc.:


It would be really great if there is an option to make ONE screenshot instead of 144... (last thing would be a enormous work to put them in photoshop together)

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:17 am
by 1010101
Here's a solution to your problem. Here's an easy way to combine the 144 small images into one big one...

Let me start by saying that I'm operating under the assumption that you're running Win98 or later. If you're running something else, you'll need to modify this a bit.

Go download and install ImageMagick (

Drop this batch file into the same folder as the 144 PCX files and run it ( If you're worried about running a batch someone else made, feel free to crack it open in a text editor and have a peek at what it does. Nothing fancy or evil... Just uses a piece of ImageMagick to do the job at hand.

You can then delete the 12 "rowXX.pcx" files, where XX equals 1 to 12. I'd have included that in the batch, but maybe you'll want the rows for some reason.

The finished result will be a file called map.pcx which SHOULD be what you're looking for. Note that I've not tried it myself yet, so I can't attest to the final size, but expect it to be beefy.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:22 pm
by 1010101
Well, I tried it myself. It's a ridiculous 872mb. That's WAY bigger than it has any right to be, and too big for my 512mb of RAM to handle. Perhaps playing with some of ImageMagick's settings would get that down to something more reasonable.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:57 pm
by Colourless
You should save to something compressed like PNG. Will take a rather long time to process the image, but should be substanially smaller. Probably only want to do the last stage to PNG.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:46 pm
by SB-X
Here is a related topic, which wjp brought to my attention.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:17 am
by Haukinger
Hi !

I made a little program that did just that, for serpent isle. It gets you one large file (some 24000x24000 pixel)... I've had part of the map printed out, looks cool :)
Mail me if you're interested in my code... haukinger-at-g-m-x-dot-d-e


Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:44 am
by Tobias
I have been trying to do this on Mac OS x, but I cannot, for some reason. Worked fine with Windows and on Ubuntu 7.10.
In which folder should I be doing this? and does "exult --bg --builmap 0" work (in the terminal) or should i type something else?

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:08 am
by optrirominiluikus
sorry for bumping this again (I'm sure the answer can be found _somewhere_, though) but I kinda need to know how to use command line options on mac os x. can someone point me to the answer, perhaps?

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:56 pm
by mikemayday
I have always wondered, why is there a rectangular patch of silent water in Hero Cove?
And also, is there a similar map for BG but without the Isle of Fire?

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:10 am
by Andar
In order to get the map without the Isle of Fire you'd probably have to run BG without the Forge of Virtue add on, which would be difficult if you only have one of the Ultima Collection versions, I think.

No clue on your other question, I'm not sure.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:16 pm
by Petrell
There's maps of first 7 ultimas at

For first three they are about 1000*1000 pixels in size (U1 has 4 such maps) and for U4 up they're about 4100*4100 pixels in size for those who're interested (again not 1*1 scale thought). Only overworld maps, no dungeons or underworld.

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:04 pm
by Tobyn
Only overworld maps, no dungeons or underworld.
I beg to differ... thanks for that ineresting link, but ever tried clicking on some special map locations there? e.g. a click on the whirlpool in U3 Exodus map will bring you to Ambrosia, and clicking the dungeons/cities will bring up their respective maps, although you have to be online - it's not sufficient to have the maps as png on your PC (and some maps lack details others have, e.g. monster positions or fountain locations, but seems to be work in progress).
You can also reach U5 underworld by clicking the right spots (at least at Lost River where Lord British entered the underworld at the beginning of his expedition where he got lost.)

Re: Making one big screenshot with exult (problem)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:42 am
by Petrell
oh right. I did notice it with u2 but did not think of trying with others :p still, no such freature in u6 or u7 maps atm as far as I can see.

found the underworld too after searching as it was not same place as it was in Laz :p don't remember much from original U5 :)