Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

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Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by Vasculio294 »

I wanna live in Moonshade! "Before Anarchy ruined it" This is my favorite place in all the U7 including black gate.

Sometimes while the avatar is moonshade! I have him either work at the Blue Boar Inn, or Help Gustacio in his lab!
Uncle Rico: Napoleon, you know we can't afford the fun pack. What, do you think money grows on trees in this family? Take it back! And get some Pampers for you and your brother while you're at it.

Re: Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by Melinda »

Yeah, I like Moonshade. Especially Mortegro's house and Frigidazzi's house. I think it would be cool if there was a way to disable the banes, or a switch that could flip you back to pre-Banes mode, when everyone was still would be really useful if you wanted to customize the game more (make up your own game, basically). I find that even though I've played this game dozens of times, I still like to go back, mess around with it, hackmove stuff around, make my own houses and stuff... it kinda sucks to play around with it when most of the characters are in bloody piles on the floor.

One reason I keep coming back to this game is that there's so much potential in it. Wish we take more advantage of it...
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Re: Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by drcode »

There's been a lot of talk here about changing the plot back to what Origin originally planned, but I don't know if any of it has gone beyond the talking phase. It would be quite a bit of work, I think.
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Re: Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by Andy »

It would be a lot of work, but worth it. I just wish more information could be found about the other un-cut town plots. This makes working on restoring the original plot a bit of a mine field.

If you try to restore the other town plots by using guesses (like for Fawn), and the Fawn plot is found later, then there would be a lot of back tracking. Yet, at some point we as a fan community have to say, "enough time has passed, and we have not found any more information on the original uncut plot. We might as well work in what we know, and restore what we can."
Jets Connor

Re: Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by Jets Connor »

It's a pity the designers weren't able to fully capture their vision of the architecture in moonshade.

"The local architecture reflects the mages’ philosophy: Moonshade is surrounded by a jagged stone wall which refuses to fall into any kind of a pattern, and the mages’ homes are made up of a bizarre variety of towers, domes and odd-shaped windows (or the best we can do with our existing art)."

They did a pretty good job (Hehe, I like Gustacio's greenhouse) with the art they had, but I do wonder what the atmosphere would have been like.

Re: Moonshade is my favorite town in U7

Post by Vasculio294 »

I tried restore Moonshade after the banes attack it, It wasn't easy. I mean... you really have to learn how to use the tile sets.

As far as i got was deleting burn marks, trash and monster eggs.