Password recovery

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Password recovery

Post by VikingLostPassWd »

Is there no way to recover lost passwords on this forum?
Site Admin
Posts: 731
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 1:34 pm

Re: Password recovery

Post by Colourless »

The forum software we use, Phorum, uses a secure method of storing passwords making it impossible to recover your password. Be warned, any forum software that does allow you to recover your password is very insecure and means that your password can easily be stolen.

As for your current situation, the only solution will be to get one of us to change your password and tell you what the new one is.

-Colourless Dragon

Re: Password recovery

Post by VikingLostPassWd »

Well, I go by The Viking... You can e-mail to the linked addy

Re: Password recovery

Post by VikingLostPassWd »

Oh well... I guess not then