how about multiplayer?

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how about multiplayer?

Post by Pistovkat »

how about adding a tcp/ip co-op multiplayer to exult, personally I think this will get a mixed response, but I think it's a good idea.

Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by suraimu »

If at all, it should probably be a separate project. I'm sure that once Exult
is more stable that the authors wouldn't mind someone using the code to
do something like this, considering it's opensource and all. :P
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Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by wjp »

From the FAQ:

1.5. Will there be a multiplayer Exult?


Jeff on the Forum:
The question is 'why?'. I continue working on Exult, in large part, because nobody makes games like Ultima7 anymore. While I think a multi-player game would be technically interesting, I don't see the need. There are lots of them already, and many experienced people working on new ones.

Note however that Exult is open source. If you want a multiplayer U7 no one holds you back to code it in.

Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by suraimu »

Way to say the exact same thing I just did, wjp. :P
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Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by XxVenomxX »

For something thats kinda sorta remotely similar, try Riva Online. It's a *very* beta online game that uses Ultima 7's graphics. THere's no plot whatsoever yet, and the world is just starting to be built, but it seems like it could be a pretty cool project, I've been messing around with it for the past few days.
Go to, and go to the Rivo Online section. Go to the web boards, and apply for a beta testing app. should get a reply fairly soon.
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Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by Dominus »

Suraimu: I think wjp just wanted to point out to poeple that reading the FAQ might be a good idea before posting.
And also that you can allready use the source of Exult and build in multiplayer support no matter how stable we view Exult.
Read the documentation and the FAQ! There is no excuse for not reading them! RTFM
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Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by drcode »

Nice idea, but is using Ultima7's graphics the right thing to do? Or do they, like Exult, require that you have Ultima7 installed?

Re: how about multiplayer?

Post by XxVenomxX@school »

I wondered that myself. No, no U7 is required, actually. Their disclaimer is just that they're Ultima fans making the game for Ultima fans, and that no U7 graphics will be used in any commercial versions, but it would be nice if EA let them.
I dunno, I'll just play it while I can, even though there's not much to do yet, hehe.