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A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:11 am
by Ezric
I'll submit this to the bug tracker if need be, but since they might already be known (or fixed), I'll mention them here first. I'm using the May 1st 1.4 build with BG+FOV, for reference.

One thing which I'm pretty certain is a bug is that I can't seem to pick caltrops up off the ground. I can move them around in containers, but once they're on the ground, I can't grab them at all. This includes caltrops that were on the ground to start with.

Another thing, which may or may not be a bug, is that even with my entire party invisible, NPCs will still tell me to stop stealing their items, and will even call the guards. The guards don't attack me, of course, because they can't see me, but they still come. Perhaps that's how the original works (been a LONG time since I played the original), though.

Now for my suggestion...

What if we had the ability to designate a party banker? I've ALWAYS had Iolo carry my cash for me (the abacus he has makes it seem natural), but whenever I exchange gold bars and nuggets or sell gems, the avatar gets stuck with all the coins. Then I have to go manually move it all to Iolo. Not a big deal usually, but after a hard day pillaging, er, "liberating" gold and gems, I can end up with a couple thousand coins that need moved.

Well, I'm off to go "liberate" more of the wealth of Britannia. :)

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:01 am
by drcode
Seems like I did something involving invisibility a couple weeks ago, so the caltrops bug may be one I caused. The second bug (not being able to steal when you're invisible) has probably been around all along, unless that's the way the original worked.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:49 am
by Ezric
I don't think invisibility has anything to do with the caltrops bug. It affects non-invisible caltrops, too (like the two in the crate in the blacksmith's house in Trinsic). And I CAN pick up the invisible crate in the Trinsic cheat room with no problems.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 8:13 pm
by drcode
I can move the caltrops (even invisible ones) in the latest snapshot.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 6:32 am
by Ezric

I read that, went to go download the latest snapshot to see if that fixed it, then saw it was the same build I'm already using. I downloaded it again anyway and installed, but I still cannot pick up caltrops that are on the ground. In fact, clicking on a caltrop on the ground doesn't even display the item's name, and I can't even delete caltrops that are on the ground using the "cut" keyboard shortcut.

They still damage party members just fine, though.

This seems like a weird bug to be isolated to just one user...

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 5:06 am
by WWWWolf
If someone makes a "designated banker" thing, it'd be cool to have a "cook and chief bottle washer" too, ie, someone who carries all food.

Currently, I have to carefully exchange Spark's and Avatar's packs, order gobload of beef jerky, and then exchange the packs again. Otherwise, all of Avatar's little bags and pockets and whatnot fill with pieces of dried meat. Not fun.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:47 am
by GeoffX
I've just played through U7:BG ( from Ultima Collection with Serpent Isle also installed ) with Exult 1.4 ( 28 March 2006, 23:11 ) and had the same problem with caltrops. They were visible, but I couldn't move them or even get their label to display. They do damage, though!

I finished the game without any serious problems and am now venturing back to Serpent Isle for the first time in many years...

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:16 pm
by Dominus
I finished the game without any serious problems
Thanks for letting us know, it is always good to know wether our code works ok. Were there any non-serious problem that you think are worth reporting?

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:13 am
by GeoffX
Sometimes when I click Journey Onward, before the red effect appears, Exult quits.

Congratulations to everyone involved in keeping alive one of the best games ever.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:02 pm
by Iggy
Wait, so what is really supposed to happen with caltrops?

In my version, I'm able to see the caltrops (they're kind of transparent) and I can click them to see their name, and then I can move them out of the way, which seems kind of unfair and cheap. Is that supposed to happen? I'm using the latest snapshot.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:55 pm
by Garrett
Caltrops are invisible on purpose, the idea being that you can walk over them before you spot them. There are some visible caltrops too, I think they're in Christopher's smithy or something like that.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:51 pm
by Ezric
In the "normal" version of the game (as in, not running under Exult), caltrops come in the visible and invisible varieties, and both kinds can be clicked to see their name and both kinds can be moved or picked up.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:30 am
by drcode
That's how the latest version (snapshots) of Exult should work.

Re: A bug or two (and one suggestion)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:03 pm
by Iggy
Ah ok, then it is working right. I do recall coming across some caltrops that I couldn't really see that hurt me.